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Monday 5 March 2018

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten Books That I Could Read Forever

Yes, I'm aware that it's not Tuesday.  But since I've been sooo lacking in reading time lately AND so busy with working and such, I thought when I had a moment I'd participate in the last Top Ten Tuesday and that moment came TODAY!  This theme is so interesting and I'm excited to pick my top ten ...

What would happen if I was being sent to a deserted tropical island by myself and I could only chose ten books to take with me?  Which ones would I choose?  Right now, I'm not entirely certain, so let's find out!

1.  The Bible

2.  The Iliad

3.  The Divine Comedy

4.  Jane Eyre

5.  The Brothers Karamazov

6.  Paradise Lost

7.  Hamlet

8.  War and Peace

9.  Metamorphoses

10.  Montaigne's Essays

The last choice I'm not entirely sure about.  While I love reading Montaigne and his thought process, I don't always necessarily appreciate his viewpoints.  And C.S. Lewis would have to be in there somewhere too.  Sigh!  So hard to choose just ten!

Upon review, most of my choices seem rather angsty, with death and war and heavy philosophy (don't we love Dostoyevsky?).  I think I need to do another list with lighter reads to take to my tropical island.   So this post will be continued .......