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Monday 21 October 2013


Day 20 - Favourite Romance Novel

Okay, I admit that I don't read romance novels very much anymore.  So I'm going to change the challenge to "favourite romances in books".  Now for an eclectic mix ....

The romance of Dante and Beatrice!  He first saw her when she was eight years old and loved her until her death at 24, even though their lives did not intersect.  She was his muse and guides souls to heaven in The Divine Comedy.

Another Beatrice and her love Benedick feature in the Shakespearian drama, Much Ado About Nothing.  It is said that the course of true love never did run smooth and that is a perfect description of the relationship between these two characters.  A fun romance to read about!

A beautiful story of a boy and his dog.  It made my cry!

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