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Wednesday 16 October 2013

Planning Ahead - 2014

I thought I would get a jump start on the year by listing some of my planned reads for 2014.  Since I'm so easily influenced when it comes to books, it will be interesting to compare my planned reads to my actual reads at the end of 2014.  My suspicion is that they won't look particularly similar.

Here is the pick and choose list:

2014 Around the World Challenge (dead authors)

  1.  The Saga of the Volsungs
  2.  Fear and Trembling - Soren Kierkegaard
  3.  Les Lettres Du Mon Moulin - Alphonse Daudet
  4.  The Maias - Eça de Queirós
  5.  (book undecided) - Isaac Bashevis Singer
  6.  The Arabian Nights: Tales from One Thousand and One Nights
  7.  The Epic of Gilgamesh
  8.  The Cairo Trilogy - Naguib Mahfouz
  9.  Cry the Beloved Country - Alan Paton
10.  The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
11.  The Story of Stone - Cao Xueqin
12.  The Far Pavillons - M.M. Kaye
13.  Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino
14.  The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas - Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis

2014 Biography Challenge

  1.  The Lives of the Artists - Giorgio Vasari
  2.  Team of Rivals - Doris Kearns Goodwin
  3.  Jack: A Biography - George Sayer
  4.  Unbroken - Lauren Hillenbrand
  5.  Bonhoeffer - Eric Metaxas


  1.  A Distant Mirror - Barbara Tuchman
  2.  The History of the Ancient World - Susan Wise Bauer (ongoing)
  3.  The History of the Middle Ages - Susan Wise Bauer (begin)
  4.  Temples, Tombs and Hieroglyphs - Barbara Mertz
  5.  Red Land, Black Land - Barbara Mertz

2014 C.S. Lewis Challenge

  1.  The Chronicles of Narnia
  2.  Mere Christianity
  3.  The Screwtape Letters
  4.  The Great Divorce
  5.  Surprised by Joy
  6.  A Grief Observed
  7.  Out of the Silent Planet
  8.  Perelandra
  9.  That Hideous Strength
10.  God In The Dock

2014 TBR List Challenge

  1.  The Epic of Gilgamesh
  2.  The Rule of St. Benedict - Saint Benedict
  3.  The Cloud of Unknowing
  4.  Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek Literature - Saint Basil
  5.  (the next Rougon book) - Émile Zola
  6.  The Cloister and the Hearth - Charles Reade
  7.  Bleak House - Charles Dickens
  8.  Hard Times - Charles Dickens
  9.  The Man Who Was Thursday - G.K. Chesterton
10.  Defense Speeches - Cicero (finish)

That's it for now.  There are a few more children's books I'd like to add, I was thinking of throwing in a few Shakespearian plays and possibly a Trollope series, but we'll see ..........

No, I do not think I will finish all of these books but if they are in a post, staring me in the face, at least it will help me from getting distracted ..............  I think ............

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