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Saturday 9 November 2013

A to Z Survey

I found this survey randomly on A World of Books and decided to give it a whirl.

Author you’ve read the most books from:
Yikes, I think it would be either Jane Austen or Arthur Ransome, thanks to his Swallows and Amazons series.
Best Sequel Ever:
Well, I'm going to change this to best book in a series and my vote would go to Rilla of Ingleside from the Anne of Green Gables series.  It was a more serious book than the others, exploring the effects of WWI on Gilbert, Anne, their family and the people of the town of Ingleside.  Montgomery did an excellent job.
Currently Reading:
Too many books at once, however I will pick only two to list here:  War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy and David Copperfield by Charles Dickens.
Drink of Choice While Reading:
During the day, water and during the evening, either tea or water.  I especially like Honeybush Tea for its warm, comforting taste.

E-reader or Physical Book?
I MUCH prefer a physical book ........ somehow reading isn't truly reading for me with a Kindle but I have to admit e-readers are handy and all those free classics are hard to resist.
Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:
Hector from The Iliad.  I love how he conducts himself with honour and bravery and how he treats his wife, Andromache.  

Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:
To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf – I did not think I would have the taste or patience for her works but for some reason I loved the stream of consciousness style of writing in this book.  I don't think it would have worked for any plot but in this story it was lovely.  I enjoyed it much more than expected.
Hidden Gem Book:
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde - I hated it for about three quarters of the book but towards the end I realized the value of his experiences as good warning against certain life and lifestyle choices.  It became one of my favourites.
Important Moment in your Reading Life:
When I discovered the classics and realized that they deal with timeless issues, problems and human emotion, yet there seems to be more scope and deeper treatment of these situations in past times.  Such interesting content that intersects with life.
Just Finished:
New Grub Street by George Gissing.  I recently discovered Gissing and this was my first read of his works.  I enjoyed it but found that he manipulated his characters just a wee bit too much for my liking.  His societal commentary was interesting but he needed to be more subtle.
Kinds of Books You Won’t Read:
Much modern fiction.  If the plot is simplistic, correct grammar almost non-existent, the characters not believable, the social message more important than the other parts of the book and there is no real life-learning involved in the book, I have little interest in reading them.  Not to say I don't read any modern books, but I am very selective.
Longest Book You’ve Read:
I think it would be The Count of Monte Cristo, with Don Quixote coming in a close second.  I'm currently reading War and Peace so that would count too when I finish.

Major book hangover because of:
Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.  I hated this book.  Other than the wonderful descriptions, the story was completely unbelievable, forced and pretty much ridiculous.  When the main character accepted her husband as a murder without a blink of an eye, I was done.  I'm not sure I could even try another du Maurier novel.
Number of Bookcases You Own:
Can you believe, seventeen?  
One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  We read it each Christmas.  I've also read Beowulf and Pride and Prejudice quite a few times, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, and The Undergound History of American Education I try to read at least once every couple of years.

Preferred Place To Read:
In a big, cushy comfortable chair on a dreary day with no noise other than nature.
Quote that inspires you from a book you’ve read:
“It is absurd to hold that a man should be ashamed of an inability to defend himself with his limbs, but not ashamed of an inability to defend himself with speech and reason; for the use of rational speech is more distinctive of a human being than the use of his limbs.” 
― AristotleThe Rhetoric & The Poetics of Aristotle

"In the world it is called Tolerance, but in hell it is called Despair ….. the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die."
--  Dorothy L. Sayers

Reading Regret:
With life right now I do not have enough time to read.  I find myself squeezing in my reads between responsibilities and a busy life.  It is just the seasons of life and I look forward to a period when I will have more personal time to devote to reading.
Series You Started And Need To Finish(all books are out in series):
I'm embarrassed to admit it but it is The Chronicles of Narnia.  Especially embarrassing because C.S. Lewis is one of my favourite authors.  I WILL read it completely in 2014 ---- one of my resolutions!
Three of your All-Time Favorite Books:
How can one choose only three?!!  If pressed and forced to make a quick decision, I would say, The Iliad, The Bible and Pride and Prejudice.
Unapologetic Fangirl For:
The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac.  People ask me why I was interested in reading about dope smoking, irresponsible, young hippies but honestly, I found their outlook, in some aspects, refreshing.
Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:
Well, since I'm not really that interested in modern books, I can't think of one I'm really excited about.  Perhaps another book by David McCullough.  Sadly, Christopher Hibbert recently passed away, or he would be another author I would add.
Worst Bookish Habit:
I annotate in my paperbacks.  Gasp!  But I find it really helps me experience a deeper read.  My two most annotated books are Beowulf and Mere Christianity.
X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:
A Treatise of Human Nature by David Hume, Volume 2.  No, I have not read it yet! ;-)

Your latest book purchase:
All Hallows' Eve by Charles Williams.
ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
Guilt by Jonathan Kellerman, but only because I wanted to finish it and get on to my next classic!


  1. I think its amazing that you read The Underground History of American Education every year, or at least try to. I should do it more often, too.

    Agree about the "annotating books" issue. It's way to simple to write in the book.

    P.S. Your CC list is amazing! I hope some day to be able to get to read even a portion of those books.

  2. As for The Underground History of American Education, it is such an enlightening read and brings up issues that are good to be reminded of. I'm reading it now but I haven't read it for a few years because I lent my copy to someone (can't remember who) and have not received it back so I had to order a new one.

    You are too kind, Ruth ……… don't you mean my CC list is insane …?? ;-) I figure if the books are there staring at me, it's more likely I'll read them and if I listed a good number of them, I would get to more than if I kept the list small. Go big or go home, right? ;-)
