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Monday 16 December 2013

Back to the Classics Challenge 2014

Here it is!  The challenge I have been waiting for!  Back to the Classics Challenge 2014 is being hosted this year by Books and Chocolate.  She has taken over for Sarah at Sarah Reads Too Much and has already done a wonderful job organizing this challenge.

The rules for this year are as follows, including a few changes:

This year there are six required categories and five optional categories.

1.  20th Century Classic   The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton
2.  19th Century Classic   David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
3.  A Classic By A Woman Writer  Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
4.  A Classic In Translation   Son Excellence, Eugène Rougon by Émile
5.  A Wartime Classic  War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
6.  A Classic by an Author Who is New to You  The Warden by Anthony Trollope


1.  An American Classic   The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
2.  A Classic Mystery/Suspense Thriller  The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
3.  A Classic Historical Fiction Book  The Once And Future King by E.B. White
4.  A Classic That Has Been Adapted into a T.V. or Movie Series  Othello by William Shakespeare
5.  Extra Fun Category - Write a Review of #4  Othello movie reviews

She also has made another rule:  All classics must be published 50 years ago or earlier, so nothing before 1964 will be considered a classic.

Please check out her blog for information on prizes and additional explanations.

Even without a blog, I participated in this challenge every year.  It is my easiest challenge and probably the most fun for me.  So if this challenge sounds like fun to you too, pop over to Books and Chocolate to check it out.  And good luck to everyone!


  1. Wow! You have nine or ten challenges lined up for next year. How exciting. I hope in a few years I will be more willing and able to take on more. Next year is my first year of even attempting other challenges in addition to TWEM. And you see what baby steps I am taking.

    Have fun!

    1. No, don't become a "me"! I actually strive to emulate you. I can see from your comments on what you read, that your methods help you to draw more out of a book, and you have many wonderful insights. I'm testing the challenges this year, while trying to cut down on my reading, hoping that in 2015 I'll be set up to proceed more in your style.

      Baby steps are good. Isn't it hard to get that balance?

  2. I'm so happy you joined my challenge! Thanks for signing up, I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

  3. Thanks for hosting, Karen. I'm already mulling over a tentative list for this challenge. It's so interesting to see the books everyone else has chosen. Happy reading!

  4. I've just discovered your blog and all the challenges you are part of. How wonderful! I hope these challenges (or others like them) continue next year so I can participate in them. :-)

    1. Hi Debra! I'm so glad that you found me! I think "An Novel Challenge" blog lists a good number of challenges, so you might want to check that out. I'm mulling over cutting down on my challenges a little for next year but I haven't decided yet. I was a little overloaded at the end of the year but I'm not sure if that was due to challenges or other things I decided to do, like read-alongs, courses, etc. In any case, I should start planning for 2015 soon!
