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Friday 27 December 2013

Last Minute Challenges - 2014

Here are a last few challenges to squeak in before the end of the year.  Please visit the linked sites for more information about these challenges.  I hope to see some of you joining the insanity!

The 52 Books in 52 Weeks challenge is hosted by Robin, who is a very well-organized and welcoming hostess.  I've participated in this challenge for about 4 years now and I love the comradory that this challenge inspires.  There is a homeschool forum thread where people touch base each week with each other to discuss the books that they are reading.  An excellent challenge!

I really can't say no to the 2014 Chunkster Challenge.  I am reading through Dickens, have Daniel Deronda scheduled for 2014, plus some history tomes …….. I will easily be able to reach at least 5-6 or more.  This past year I read 14+ chunksters, but I'm going to be less ambitious this year.

And to heighten the tension, the European Reading Challenge is going to be a new addition.  Hosted by Rose City Reader, this challenge, in one aspect, should not be difficult; I read many European books each year.  On the other hand, to read books from different European countries to reach each level will require some effort.  I am going to go-for-broke with this challenge and aim for the Five Star (Deluxe Entourage) which is 5 books by five different authors and from five different countries.

And to top off the insanity, I am joining the 2014 Shakespeare reading challenge.  I'm aiming for the "Occasional Theater-Goer" with 1 - 4 plays to read.  Two years ago, I participated in attempting to read a Shakespeare-a-month and failed.  Well, I did manage to get through about 5 months and REALLY enjoyed his plays, however, I allowed myself to get distracted.  So, once again, I need a challenge to keep me focused.  This will be my most challenging challenge.  I have so many books scheduled for 2014, but my goal has been to return to Shakespeare and I am determined to do it.  Wish me luck ~~~ I will need it!

And I probably will need valium and therapy when it is all over, but the less said about that, the better …….  ;-)


  1. Wow, these are great!

    Shakespeare is tempting... I've read all the plays and sonnets, but I never felt that I really took them in (if that makes sense). Maybe I should revisit? I shall have a think...

    Good luck! :D

    1. I can't believe how much you've read! I've heard anything worth reading is worth reading more than once. Think about it. I was really humming-and-hawing over the Shakespeare challenge but his plays are so wonderful that I couldn't resist!

      Thanks for the well-wishes!

  2. I'm so amazed by all of the challenges you are taking on. And I really love all the books you are reading, too. I'm not there, yet, but hopefully soon. Definitely War and Peace this year.

    1. That's wonderful that you are tackling War and Peace this coming year, Ruth. I haven't even finished it and I want to read it again. I'm not sure if you've ever had this experience with an author, but with Tolstoy, I get through about 75% of his books and then finally the light comes on and I've got it! With W&P I feel there is still so much more to glean out of it and I want more time to spend with the characters. I guess that is the mark of a classic. You will enjoy reading it!

  3. All the challenges you've joined sound so tempting, I can see why you've joined so many! Scratch that, I don't think I've ever read 52 books in one year (well, since past picture books), so that one will never me. :) Good luck and have fun!

    1. I never used to read so many books in one year but about five years ago I became determined to get through as many classics as I could before I died, so that goal gave me the impetus and here I am! It does take a certain amount of focus though, and the fact that I homeschool my daughter, forces me to read even more than I would normally. Maybe one day, you'll make it ……… and picture books can count when you are starting out! ;-)

  4. Terrific goals! Good luck! I'm looking forward to this challenge! I think I'll start with London by Edward Rutherfurd.

    1. Oh, good old Edward Rutherford! I have at least two of his books that have been staring at me for years. I have good intentions but ......

      I went to your blog and found all your wonderful challenges! You have a few I would love to join, but as you see, I have gone challenge crazy this year. I must resist, I must resist ...... ! ;-)
