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Tuesday 18 February 2014

Chronicles of Barsetshire Read-Along

Yes, another read-along, and this time hosted by Melissa at Avid Reader and Amanda of Fig and Thistle.  We will be reading through the Barsetshire Chronicles by Anthony Trollope.

The novels are scheduled as follows:

March:  The Warden
April:  Barchester Towers
May:  Doctor Thorne
June:  Framely Parsonage
July:  The Small House at Allington
August:  The Last Chronicle of Barset  

Now before everyone thinks that I've lost my mind, I had already planned to read all these novels beginning in May along with some friends in my Dead Writers Society group, so while I will participate in the read-along, I will be two months behind schedule.

If anyone else cares to join in the fun, please pop over to Avid Reader or Fig and Thistle to sign up!


  1. Ooh, fun. I need to read the last 3--I really liked the first 3 I read. Trollope is pretty great.

    1. I'm glad that you liked them. I have been meaning to read this series for years and this year I'm determined to start. You can perhaps join in for the last three.

      I'm quite enjoying these read-alongs. They are more work but I really feel that I get more out of the book.

  2. Are we jumping ahead with this RAL?

    I thought we were aiming for a May start? Oh bother. I have been trying to ignore

    1. Gee, maybe I should read said May start, we'd be behind two months.

      Long day. I think I can read and understand.

    2. Yes, I'm still reading with DWS …… my posts will just be delayed for this read-along group and I'll have to avoid reading theirs until I get to the book. I could have gone ahead and started in March but with The Odyssey, Candide and possibly my Zola and Dickens reads starting again, I knew it would be fatal to try.

  3. Woo hoo! So glad you're joining in the fun. Feel free to jump in whenever it works with your schedule.

    1. I'm so glad to be reading them with a group! Thanks to you and Amanda for hosting! :-)

  4. I'm looking forward to this as well! I do love Trollope, though not read that much :)

    1. Oh, good! You're participating as well! I see that you've read a few of the books already (of course, I am not surprised about this ;-) ) so you're a step ahead. I haven't read any Trollope, although he's been sitting on my shelves for years. I'd like to get to the Palliser series after this one.

      Looking forward to starting!

    2. I want to read the Palliser series as well - perhaps there'll be another read-along after this :)

    3. That would be fun!

      I must say that even though these read-alongs require extra commitment, they're certainly helping me to read books that I've had on my TBR list for years!

    4. I have the Palliser series on my to-read shelf as well! I actually own most of it, but I don't think I own any of the Barsetshire series.

      I would agree, the RAL's take a bit more commitment to do postings and stay close to schedule, but they have been pushing me along in some of my books.

  5. This is awesome! I'm so glad there are so many kindred spirits in the blog-o-sphere!

    1. Yes, I'm finding more and more kindred spirits and I agree; it's awesome! Thanks so much for hosting this read-along! :-)
