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Sunday 2 March 2014

Zoladdiction - April 2014

I have begun reading through Émile Zola's Rougon-Macquart series, already having completed The Fortune of the Rougons and Son Excellence, Eugène Rougon.  My next book is La Curée, which I had planned to start soon.  Well, imagine my surprise and delight when I stumbled upon Fanda Classiclit's Zoladdiction challenge for April 2014!  Of course, I didn't even have to think to decide to participate.

How to join?

  • You must have a blog or Goodread account to post your reviews
  • Register yourself in the link below (submit your blog or Goodreads' profile URL).
  • Help me to spread the Zoladdiction, either by putting the Zoladdiction button on your sidebar, or by discussing the event on Twitter using hashtag #Zoladdiction.
  • Start reading Zola's works when your calendar turns to April 1st, of course.
  • In addition to reading the books, you are welcome to post anything concerning Zola during April.
  • The master post would be up on April 1st with a link where you can put all your posts.
  • There's no level or deadline, you can satisfy (or start, if you're a new fan of Zola) your Zoladdiction by reading as many books as you like the whole month!
  • I encourage you to post a brief wrap up in the end of Zoladdiction (the link will be closed only on May 10), and let us know how do you feel/think after delving into Zola's works for a month.  

So, how Zoladdicted are you?  Will you join? ;-)


  1. I was so happy when I saw Fanda was doing this again! I'm (of course) joining in too - *hopefully* I will have read The Belly of Paris by April (not a certainty) and will move on to Conquest of Plassans and The Sin of Abbe Mouret. PLus no doubt I'll do a general post. I love Zola! So glad you're joining, looking forward to your posts! :)

    1. Ah, I was wondering when you'd turn up, O! It's nice to have another Zoladdict along for the read, and not just an addict, an expert. The three you have chosen sound so interesting; not the usual well known ones like Germinal or Nana. I was on a little bit of a Zola-break so I'm excited to be back reading him again!

  2. I'm looking forward to getting to know Zola and why he is so loved this April.
    Nice to have some familiar blogger faces along for the ride too :-)

    1. Oh, Brona, that's great that you are participating too! I just was introduced to Zola this year and I was very, very pleasantly surprised. I hope your experience mirrors mine!

    2. I started Germinal last year and I was really enjoying it, but my copy of it is on my epad...& I simply don't enjoy reading on the screen.
      I only got as far along as I did as I took it to my stepsons soccer training and I could read it backlit in the falling evening light!

    3. I don't like reading on screens either. I've started The Warden on my Kindle for my Trollope read-along, but I don't think I'm enjoying it as much as if it were a book. I need to go dig out my hard copy.
