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Monday 11 August 2014

Classics Club Spin #7 …………. And The Winner Is ………..

The winning number for the Classics Club Spin #7 is number 17!  I'm completely happy with this choice because it means that I'll be able to read Oscar Wilde's, The Importance of Being Earnest!

It will be fun to read a comedic play and to experience some light-hearted humour after some of the more serious reads I have taken on lately.

A Burrowing Owl
source Wikimedia Commons

Now I'm off to see what books the rest of my blogger friends will be reading!


  1. Replies
    1. It will! The only other work by Wilde I've read is The Picture of Dorian Gray. I hated it through the first half, but by the end it was one of my favourite books!

  2. This will be a fun read! Instead if a scathing review of Parisian society (Zola) a comedy about Victorian society!

    1. You know, I kind of got tired of Zola after book 3 of the R-M series, so I've taken a break. I'm almost ready to start Money now but, you're right, I'd really rather read the comedy this time.

  3. I'm glad you got a book you're happy with! The Importance of Being Earnest is on my Classics Club list too but I didn't include it in the spin this time.

    1. My list was quite kind to me this time, so there was really nothing I was shuddering over, but I am pretty happy about this one. After a few pretty large spin choices, it's nice to have something manageable for this spin.

  4. Love your owl photo. You should enjoy The Importance of Being Earnest. I read it many years ago and then watched the film version. I have to reread it for my plays w/ TWEM. Have fun!

    1. I was trying to find a photo of the ocean (where I am), but the owl photo came up and I couldn't resist!

      I did note it was on TWEM list, but it's one I think I'd like to read again. I'm actually looking very forward to TWEM plays!

  5. Sounds like fun! That was on my "want to read" list but I didn't get it. Maybe next time. :)

    1. I see that you got The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. I'm revisiting his War of the Worlds at the moment and have realized that I really need to read more of his works. Happy reading, Lois!

  6. This should be a fun one! I think I have it on one of my project lists (but not for the Classics Club). Enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I'm assuming that you're too busy with your Ohio Project to do the Spin this time. I've been enjoying looking at all your Ohio related books!

    2. Yes, that's a true assumption. I only have one (I think...maybe two) Ohio books on my Classics Club list, so I've been avoiding the spin this year. It's looking like I'll be paying much more attention to Classics Club titles next year, though!

    3. I admire you for sticking to your project. I could certainly learn from you, as this year has been too spread out with different challenges, read-alongs, etc. I'll have to be more moderate next year.

  7. Ohh I think you'll love this one :D I read it last December and laughed so much.

    1. That's what I need …… a good laugh. I'm assuming that it's best to read it aloud, since it's a play, so that's what I'll do. Thanks for the words of endorsement!

  8. Lucky you - a fun one! Of course there is plenty of societal criticism in there too. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks! If I can get through a few more books on my currently reading list, I'll be ready to start!

  9. Oh how fun! I had the chance to see that at Stratford in Canada a few years back. I love Wilde.

    1. It sounds like you had a good time. I always think of seeing Shakespeare's plays but for some reason, seeing any other play doesn't enter my head. For shame! I'll have to keep a lookout for it!
