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Sunday 3 August 2014

Personal Read-a-Thon - Update

Well, I've come to the end of my personal read-a-thon and the Monster Read-a-thon starts tomorrow, so it's time for an update of my accomplishments.

I've realized that in addition to the many other reasons why it's not good to have so many books in your currently-reading pile, the fact that I have read from many of them during this time, makes listing them and calculating the page count quite a time-consuming chore.  But here is what I've managed to read:

The Terror by Dan Simmons
~~  Chapter 3-21  p. 30-280 (250 pgs.)

The Book of Margery Kempe
~~  Chapter 52-end p. 161-332 (171 pgs.)

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
~~  p 1253 – 1392 [end] (139 pgs.)

The Guns of August by Barbara W. Tuchman
~~  p. 277-367 (90 pgs)

The History of the Ancient World by Susan Wise Bauer
~~ Chapter 47-48 p. 335-354 (19 pgs.)

The Sayings of the Desert Fathers
~~  p. 31-44  (13 pgs)

The Essays of Montaigne
~~  Introduction and some letters
      reading an e-book Vol 1 & 2 so hard to say
      let’s log it in as (17 pgs)

The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
~~  Introduction & Chapter 1  p. 1-20 (20 pgs)

Books completed:

The Book of Margery Kempe
War and Peace

Total pages read:  719 pages

I'm happy that I've completed two books, but I was hoping to get through more.  I'm going to have to be especially diligent this next week because I'll have an interruption in my vacation plans that will make it more difficult to read.  Yet after that, I'll be back on track and looking forward to picking up my reading pace.

Isle of Shoals
Childe Hassam
source Wikiart


  1. An excellent week's reading, if you ask me! :D Well done, especially for reading War and Peace :)

    1. Thanks, O! I was surprise that I had read as many pages as I had, considering I felt that I hadn't read as much as I would have liked. I was both happy and sad to finish War and Peace. It will definitely be a re-read.

  2. Congratulations of finishing War and Peace! That's a huge accomplishment. I look forward to reading your review.

    1. Oh my, how to review such an epic as War and Peace?! For some reason I've struggled with my reviews of Russian novels, but I will definitely get some sort of review up for this one.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Marianne! I'll feel so much better if I finish many of these books that I've started. And hopefully learn a lesson while doing so!

  4. Oh, are you reading The Witch of Blackbird Pond? Speare was a favorite author of mine in fifth grade! and I believe I read that one three or four times....

    1. I've read it before, but this time I'm enjoying it much more. I'm looking into the history of the Connecticut colony and have been able to identify the historical characters in her story. Someone should write about the historical significance of the story at the beginning of this book because it's so interesting! Glad to hear that it's a favourite of yours!
