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Tuesday 9 December 2014

Persuasion Read-Along

Beginning January 5, 2015, a read-along of Jane Austen's Persuasion begins and, in keeping with my Austen Project for 2015, I'm one of the participants! Hosted by Heidi at Literary Adventures Along the Brandywine, this will be one of two read-alongs that I'll be doing for the month of January.

Persuasion is the only Austen work that I've never read and I hear that I'm in for a treat.  I'd watched the movie years ago and wasn't particularly fond of it and therefore had avoided the book.  It just shows that you can't judge a book by its movie!

If you're interested in joining us, please pop over to Heidi's blog and sign up!


  1. I love Persuasion! And of course everything else Jane Austen wrote. About a year ago I read Northanger Abbey, my last holdout. It's hard to pick a favorite but Persuasion is definitely a contender. If I had to pick a least favorite I'd have to go with Emma but that does not mean I didn't love Emma too. They are all just so good. I only wish Jane had lived long enough to write another half dozen.

    1. Apparently so many people love Persuasion and I never knew! My least favourite is Northanger Abbey. I understand that it's supposed to be a Gothic satire, but I still haven't been able to gain a proper appreciation of it. The wonderful thing about Austen is that each time you read her novels, you gain more appreciation for them. Yes, it is a shame that she didn't live longer!

  2. So excited you'll be joining us! I keep being tempted to crack the book open early, but no, I'm being good and waiting.

    1. Thanks, Hamlette! I'll probably be starting a week early to keep on top of my January reads (somehow I've managed to get involved in too many), but if I remember correctly, this book is not as large as some of her others, so I should be able to keep up. I'm really looking forward to it! I just love read-alongs!

  3. Oh, you have a treat waiting for you. It is my personal tradition to read either Persuasion or Pride and Prejudice each year between Christmas and New Year's. This year, I'll be reading Persuasion once again, and I am so looking forward to it. Have fun with the readalong!

    1. What a lovely tradition! I love Pride and Prejudice and I can't wait to see what I think of Persuasion. I'm trying not to have too many expectations though, because I don't want to be disappointed.

      Enjoy your Christmastime reading!

  4. I adore P&P and reread it regularly, but Persuasion is my favourite. You're in for a world of treat :-)

    1. You're another person who has claimed to like Persuasion over P&P. I'm so intrigued. I can't wait to find out why.
