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Wednesday 18 March 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Spring TBR List

I do realize that it's Wednesday and not Tuesday, but that's how I've been running lately ....... behind.  Do you know how life can throw you a curve ball? Well, I was thrown a whopper a couple of weeks ago, which is why I've been blog and Goodreads MIA.  My mom had some health issues and due to medical errors now has a condition that is quite sad and is going to affect her for the rest of her life.  Needless to say, the last few weeks have been physically and mentally draining and I haven't had the time to blog, let alone the desire to.  However life does go on and, while I still don't quite feel myself, I'm endeavouring to force myself to get back to it.  Thanks so much to those who have sent me notes asking about my absence and then wishes of condolence.  It's nice to be missed and know that I have prayers of support.

So on to my Spring reads from this week's meme from The Broke and the Bookish!

A read-along with O, Ruth and Jason (I think)

continuing with Hamlette's read-along with has been going along just dandy in my absence. 

I inadvertently discovered that this book is connected to Notes to the Underground, which I had planned to read, so I added it too.

This book is a response to the one above.  I've heard it's weird so perhaps reading Chernyshevsky first will give me some insight


The next book on my WEM biographies list

Reading in May with Cat and Cirtnece (anyone else care to join us?)  This will be my 6th reading of the poem.

I'd planned to read this in the spring, but now I think I should read Ovid's Metamorphoses and The Decameron first.  Yikes!  Why do all these books connect?

My Goodreads friend's book that is based on The Cantebury Tales, which will complete my project for the year.  I've heard that his book has made it as high as #18 on Amazon's poetry bestseller list.  I can't wait to read it.

Ah, one of my absolute favourites.  I'll be reading it for perhaps the 5th time for my Jane Austen Project.


  1. May your mother's days be filled with sunshine and flowers in spite of the health issues.

    I am envious of your reading ambitions. Mine are much less eclectic and ambitious. Perhaps I can shoehorn the Austen into my schedule. Tell me when your reading it, and I will see if I can join the fun and games. (Note in the form of a confession: I have never read P&P. Shame on me!)

    1. Thanks, R.T. I hope you are keeping yourself well too ....

      You have a pretty good list yourself and have added non-fiction. I really should try to add a non-fiction book every quarter. I loved reading non-fiction but lately I rarely seem to get around to it

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of your mother's condition. I hope some amelioration will be possible.

    On the positive side, I'm so excited for Elizabeth Goudge Reading Week! Her books are a wonderful antidote to depression.

    1. Thanks so much for your wishes, Lory. I can't wait to read some more Goudge. I'm embarrassed to say that I've only read Linnets and Valerians, but I've heard so many wonderful things about her. I was so happy to see your reading week as it will encourage me to pick up one of her books.

  3. Oh, I did say something about reading Woolf, didn't I? Shoot! When does that happen and where? And I'm supposed to read Notes From the Underground, too, and have not started that Chernshevsky either. Errr.

    1. I thought O was going to post on it already, which is why I put "I think". The plans were to start March 26th. It's quite short, so it shouldn't be too burdensome.

      Chernyshevsky is looooong! You may want to put those two on hold for another time ~ there's no need to make yourself too overwhelmed. I have no idea how I've managed to squeak in reading time in the past while but somehow I have. Amazing.

  4. I'm sorry your mother is having health problems.

    I've never heard of Elizabeth Goudge.

    1. Thanks. It's one of those things when life is going along well and then suddenly there's a crisis. On the positive side, there can be character growth if you handle it properly so right now it's trying to find the blue sky in the storm.

      I'm not surprised that you haven't heard of Elizabeth Goudge. :-) A little lighter reading. Have you heard of Chernyshevsky?

  5. I too have fallen away lately. I'm so sorry about your mom; I hope she will be able to do some things she enjoys even so. :(

    1. Thanks for the sympathy, Jean. She's different than me in that she doesn't have many interests but I'm trying to set her up with audiobooks to make her life more interesting, and of course, more visits.

  6. So sorry to hear about your mother! Don't know enough to know specifically what to hope and pray for except that things will get better. Very nice "to read" list. I tried Notes from the Underground a couple years ago but for some reason wasn't quite the right time and I couldn't hang with it. I will definitely be going back it though.Blessings to you and your Mom.

    1. It's helpful to have a specific issue to pray about, isn't it? Basically it was an auto immune disease that left my mom blind in one eye, and because the specialist administered the medication in the wrong way, she also lost the sight in the other eye, that should have been able to be saved. Luckily another specialist caught the error and took over but by that time it was too late to save her sight. At least she didn't die of it, which is a possibility if the patient doesn't get the proper medication.

      Thanks so much for your sympathy; it's much appreciated.

      I have a trepidation at the thought of reading Notes from the Underground but now that I understand its purpose, I think I'll be alright. The Chernyshevsky book I purchased has such wonderful background and notes, that I now have a better understanding of Fathers and Sons too.

  7. I have never heard of Chernyschevsky Goudge or the Brubury Tales. I need to look them up. I've read the rest except Woolf. I must confess I don't like her. Maybe I started with the wrong book, but she rubbed me the wrong way.
    Hope your mother's health improves.

    1. I think I have a tolerance for Woolf because To The Lighthouse was the first Woolf work I read. I keep hoping to have another positive experience. Her prose is lovely but her ideas can be masked in experimental literary techniques, which can be frustrating. However, I will persevere. Perhaps she just needs a few readings to develop an appreciation. And thank you for the well wishes!

  8. So sorry to hear the sad news about your mother. I think ews like that hits in a similar way to grief. I felt that way last year for a time and had to force myself into doing stuff I didn't feel like doing but felt deep down was important for me to do anyhow. Take Care. X

    1. Thanks for the supportive message, Carol. My mom is probably doing better than any of us. She says that what has happened can't be changed and that she just has to accept it and go on from here. Her strength has been amazing, especially with what she had to endure with a week in the hospital. She's an inspiration. I have my moments but now I just have to ask myself what is to be learned from this experience. I find in situations like this, while they're traumatic, there can be valuable lessons or insights that sadly, you can't gain the benefit from in any other way.

  9. So sorry to hear about your mother. xx (This is Marianne. I forget what pen name I used before that. Mabel?)

    1. CorinneMarianneMabel! So nice to hear from you. I recognize your picture even if the name confused me for a moment. I appreciate your condolences!

  10. I'm really glad you're back - I really missed you. I actually had it in my head that you must be on holiday (because of the Wordless Wednesday post). I'm sorry to hear about your mum. That's rotten news. Difficult times... I'm sorry.

    Your spring reads look good! The Voyage Out went out of my head, how bad is that?! I've been busy settling the new chickens in and stop the older two picking on them so I'm not terribly organised at the minute! But I still want to - it'll be fun :) Start on March 26th? I should write something about it on my blog.

    Hope you're ok, glad you're back xxx

    1. Aw, that's so nice! I was going to message you on GR, but I just wasn't feeling up to it. I did see your chicken announcement so I send my greetings to the new girls. I still have to read your post but I hope that they're fitting in well.

      In spite of all the awful things that have happened to her, my mom is doing great. I hope she is able to get a little more mobile and independent. Sadly, she's not a reader like me (I can't even imagine it) but I'm trying to get her set up with some audiobooks to listen to.

      You also have things go out of your head? It's good to know that I'm not alone. ;-) Hee hee! I'll keep an eye out on your blog.

  11. Book friends are quickly missed.....always in my thoughts and I hope you manage to find a good balance. with your mother's situation, your life and books. :)

    1. Thanks, Nancy. I appreciate your thoughts. Balance is always a struggle but I never give up trying. At least the weather is just lovely here ...... May flowers coming out in March, sunshine, etc. It's certainly an early spring!

  12. I can't help but notice that you don't have Gone with the Wind on your Spring List. This is clearly an oversight. :) I'm hosting a group read May 1 through August 1. All the cool kids will be there. :) (Totally teasing. No pressure, but really. You should come.)

    1. Argh! I have Beowulf in May, and I was planning for Fanda's Bleak House read in June. Although over 4 months, might just be possible ..... Hmmm ...??? Thanks for the heads up. I will certainly consider it and, knowing me, most probably will be there. I simply do not want to miss gaining from your extensive insight. :-)

    2. LOL, well don't join for insight. Just for fun. I don't plan to do any work -- just to have fun. :) :P

  13. As in, if you ask me why I like ____ about a chapter, or what _____ means, I'll probably just give you a silly grin and go back to sighing about how much I love the book. Because I only want to read it. I'm afraid this favorite book of mine is too lovely to be dissected by me. I just think a lot of folks sitting in a circle turning pages together could be fun. If you want more than that, you probably will be disappointed. Though it's possible others will be insightful! I just don't want to start out this thing with pressure on myself to say anything noteworthy. I'm reading for myself first -- always. I may say nothing that matters, but the fun is the thing. Join because you want to sit with us and read in company, not because you anticipate that you'll learn anything from me. Mitchell is the author, not I. You might heartily disagree with her entire premise, but I cannot be expected to explain why she continues to shatter me. I have no words. I am reading because I have no words. ♥

    1. Okay. I will try to track down a copy.

  14. It's great to have you back amongst us, Cleo!

    I am still down for the Virginia Woolf read-a-long. When is that supposed to happen exactly?

    Out of all the titles you listed, 'Notes to the Underground' is the most intriguing to me. This one will definitely be my next Dostoevsky.

    Oh, concerning your Jane Austen project, I finished 'Persuasion' not too long ago. Not sure when I will have a review up on that one though. Suffice it to say, it took a while to grow on me. Now I am off to read your reviews on it! :)

    1. Jason, Cleo - just put an announcement on my blog. Aiming to start it on 26th March (next Thursday I think). Hope that's ok for you both :)

    2. Hey, Jason! Thanks!

      Glad to hear that you're still up for the Woolf read-along. I can't wait for your Persuasion review. I have mine almost finished so I should have it posted in a few days.

      Thanks, O. I'll get a post up about it. The timing is fine for me.

  15. Oh I noticed you went missing.I just thought you were on vacations or something.
    So,I'm pretty sad when I learned about the real reason for your absence. :/
    I'm sorry for what happened to your mother and hope you're better now.

    - Kainzow

    1. Thanks for your condolences, Kainzow. It is sad and we're still dealing with the fallout. Hopefully she's on the road to recovery but the doctors are still monitoring the disease and part of their procedure is to suppress her immune system, which can be dangerous too. Not to mention all the mistakes that have already been made, which makes you leery to trust anyone. But I will anticipate brighter days ahead!

      I hope you're doing well!
