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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Zoladdiction 2015 - Here We Go .......!!

Thanks to Fanda and her wonderful hosting of this yearly event, I have a chance to read from one of my favourite authors, Émile Zola.  I've been reading through his Rougon-Macquart series, admittedly more slowly than I would like, and I am now set to read book #4, L'Argent or Money.

I'm rather awash in books at present, so my reading may take longer than one month, but I'm going to attempt it. Yet however much I'd like to, sadly I'm not going to take part in the Germinal read-along that is paired with this event, but I encourage everyone else to!   Please join, one and all!  It's an event not to be missed!


  1. So tempting but I have too much on-the-go right now! :/

    1. Me, too! I have way too much on the go, plus taxes are due at the end of the month, but does that stop me? Do I have any common sense? No! But at least I'll have read one more Zola ........ I hope .......... ;-)

  2. Watchout for 'gossip' and false L'Argent.
    Good luck with your reading!

    1. Thanks for the tip, you Zola-expert, you! :-)

  3. Zola voiced his opinion while hiding in the shadows of gossip. " On dit que..... ( on says....) :)

  4. Glad you're joining too, this will be fun :) I'm going for L'Assommoir and Germinal, but I really want to try and get to Nana. It's also the Trollope month AND I'm quite busy this month anyway, so it will be a bit of a squeeze! :)

    1. I have to get through The Voyage Out, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and hopefully read a little more of Chernyshevsky's What Is To Be Done? before I start Money. It's going to be tight but I should be able to get some good amounts of reading in this weekend. I wish I could read Germinal. I'm so looking forward to that book, but it doesn't look like it's in the cards this time. Happy Zola reading!

  5. Oh! I can totally read Therese Raquin for this and for the DWS read! So exciting.

    1. Yes, I can only hope to be able to read at your speed! Right now, I just pray that I can get to Money before month end, but I'm moving along quite well with my other reads, so it's looking positive. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts about Thérèse Raquin.
