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Sunday 5 April 2015

Father Brown: The Worst Crime in the World by G.K. Chesterton

Father Brown has plans to meet his niece in a picture gallery, but before he finds her, he encounters lawyer Granby who wants his opinion.  Should he trust a certain Captain Musgrove enough to advance him money on his father's estate?  The estate is not entitled and it is not conclusive that Musgrove Jr. will be the heir.  Upon the arrival of his niece, Father Brown learns that she is planning to marry the same Musgrove and meets the young man himself.  Musgrove invites both Father Brown and Granby to his father's castle, but then bows out of the trip at the last moment due to an arrival of a couple of shady characters in the background, but encourages the men to make the trip without him.

After they arrive at the castle (having to leap the moat due to a rusty, disabled drawbridge), they meet Old Musgrove, who assures them that his son will inherit, yet he will never speak to him again, due to the fact that he perpetrated the worst crime in the world.  Granby returns to town, secure in his knowledge, but Father Brown remains in the village, determined to discover the details of this dastardly crime.  Will he be able to discover the truth in time to save his niece from the clutches of a villain, or is the old man merely playing with him and there is nothing sinister about his son?  You will only find out, if you read the full story which can be found here:  The Worst Crime in the World - G.K. Chesterton

source Wikimedia Commons

I love Chesterton's Father Brown mysteries and this one does not disappoint.

Deal Me In Challenge #12 - Seven of Clubs


  1. Father Brown stories have been "collecting dust" in my Kindle for a long time. You have given me good reason to visit the sleuthing priest. Thanks.

    1. I hope you get to read some of his short stories. Wise, calm, insightful Father Brown is always a good companion. Enjoy!

  2. Guess I should really read The Man Who Was Thursday, huh? :P

    1. How far into it did you get before you put it on hold? I'm surprised that you could put it down if you got far enough into it. It moved at quite a fast pace and it was so weird and suspenseful that I was completely enraptured. You're right; you should really get back to it. I'm dying to know your thoughts on it.

  3. Tempting! Are the Father Brown stories all short stories? For some reason I thought they were novel-length...

    1. As far as I know, they're all short stories, so they're very easy to put down and pick back up again. I read them all at one point but it's been long enough that I only have very vague memories of them when I read them again. But then I tend to forget detective/mystery stories ......... which is a very handy trick because when I read them again, it's like they're brand new! ;-)

  4. I lover GK Chesterton and I love Father Brown...I think he is one of the most under-rated English Literature detectives...I must dig it for a joyous re-read soon!!

    1. Yes, and I think Chesterton is highly underrated as a writer, too. I am definitely going to read more of his works soon! Happy re-reading!

  5. I haven't read any of Chesterton, but I'm looking forward to the Father Brown stories. Before I start, though, I want to read The Man Who Was Thursday (it's on my Penguin English Library list). :)

    1. You haven't read Chesterton?!! Well, this is the first true surprise that you've given me. I would be so interested in your thoughts when you finish it. It was quite a mind-blower.

  6. I just finished reading The Man Who Was Thursday last month and it completely fascinated me! I think I'm due for another Father Brown mystery, too.

    1. I hope you reviewed it! I have to pop over to your blog and have a look. I've suddenly become extremely busy this month and haven't been visiting other blogs as much as I usually like to. I'd love to know what you thought of it. It completely bamboozled me and I was left feeling that there was so much to draw out of it that I completely missed. Oh well ..... that's what re-reads are for, huh? ;-)

  7. You may know that I am a huge fan of GK Chesterton but so far I have concentrated on his non-fiction and have only read two of the Father Brown mysteries. So I have lots of fun to look forward to! I think The Worst Crime in the World will have to be the next Chesterton on my list.

    1. The Father Brown stories are very unusual detective stories ....... quite fun but also profound on a deeper level. I'm the opposite of you; I've read his mysteries but have to read more of his non-fiction books.
