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Wednesday 26 August 2015

Hamlet Read-Along

Finally, Hamlette at The Edge of the Precipice is having her promised Hamlet Read-Along and I am so in!  This play is one of my favourites of Shakespeare's.  Is Hamlet mad or is he incredibly deceptive, that is the question?

I've read this play one and a half times already, so this time I'll be able to dig even deeper into the characters' psyches.

Hamlette has also compiled a list of books to read which deal with the play in her post Hamlet 101.  If you are looking for some extra reading, please check out her list.

So whether you are a Shakespeare aficionado or are reading him for the first time, please join us on October 1st for the Hamlet Read-Along.   Personally, I can't wait!


  1. Thanks for the shout-out! I'm really eager for this to start at last :-)

    1. Me, too! I think that we'll have great discussions with this one!
