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Tuesday 22 September 2015

Top Ten Books on my Autumn TBR or Ten Books I Dream of Reading This Autumn

I'm not even going to sport with your intelligence and claim that I can even entertain reading ten books over this autumn.  If I get to five, I'll dance a jig. So with that in mind, I think I should change my title post to Ten Books That I Dream of Reading This Autumn.  Just a second, and I'll do that .....

Yes, it's all a dream, but here are the books that I'd like to read.

Northanger Abbey


My Experiments With Truth


Petrarch Selections from the Canzione


Notes From the Underground

Nightingale Wood

Framley Parsonage

Le Rêve


  1. What a great list! I am inspired!

    1. I'm glad that I'm inspiring someone! :-) I hope that you have a great reading autumn, Faith!

  2. Dracula is excellent.
    Need to read " Notes from the Undergound" too!
    Le Rêve is so such a lovely love story.
    #BlindDate book on this list would be....Stela Gibbons. (... sorry never heard of her)

    1. I just put Dracula into my autumn pile! Le Rêve is a lovely love story???? Really??? Zola??? You mean that it's not peopled with completely unredemptive characters? I'm shocked. But I can't wait to read it now.

      Read Stella Gibbons Cold Comfort Farm and better yet, watch the movie with Kate Beckinsale. It's one of my favourite quirky, light-hearted movies ever! The book is good too.

    2. Zola attempts to demonstrate that the Catholic church is based on illusions (Reve). Angelique creates a fantasy world of ' images of the Middle Ages for her own salvation. She has the ' heredty line' of Rougon-Macquert....but tries to escape it! The book is a welcome change of pace in the series!

    3. I'm so glad to hear that. A change of pace with Zola will be refreshing!

  3. Ooh, Austen in autumn sounds wonderful! Dracula is a great novel to read when it's miserable outside too, I think it's the perfect mood for it. :)

    1. I'm glad to hear that Dracula is moody; I'll wait until it's cold and dark outside to read it. I'm enjoying my Austen Project. I really like Emma and am hoping to acquire a new appreciation for Northanger Abbey.

  4. I agree what a great list of books and I hope you get to read them. I recently enjoyed Northanger Abbey. I haven't heard of Nightingale Wood, but I'll look it up.

    1. I hope I get to read them too. I have a couple of free weekends coming up .... one unexpected ..... so I may just get in some reading. Stella Gibbons is best known for Cold Comfort Farm. See my message to Ipsofactodotme above with regard to the movie.

  5. Nightingale Wood should be a fairly quick and fun read. Northanger Abbey too. You have some substantial chunksters on there as well, though. I hope to get to Framley Parsonage soon but it might not be till midwinter. Hope you find whatever fall reading you manage to be satisfying!

    1. It doesn't surprise me that you've read Nightingale Wood! I'd really like to finish up the Barsetshire Chronicles but after a rip-roaring start, I ground to a halt. I'm hoping to start up again.

      Have a great reading autumn too, Lory!

  6. Good choices all! I too wonder if I can possibly read that many. But definitely read Nightingale Wood; it's funny :)

    1. I will move Nightingale Wood up the list on your recommendation. A funny read is just what I need!

  7. I just retread Emma and had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. And will be reading Dracula for Halloween. Hope you enjoy your choices. Emma

    1. Did you title your review "Emma reads Emma"? Okay, bad joke ...... ;-) I think a number of us will be reading Dracula for Halloween. It sounds deliciously creepy.

  8. You're going to do Gandhi?????? Yay, if you are.
    And yay for Dracula. I think you'll like it.

    1. I'm going to read Gandhi but I may skip the next one. It not easy for me to get and I'm on a book-buying ban. We'll see though. Good to know about Dracula!

  9. I love your list! Northanger Abbey and Emma are just brilliant pieces of wit and humor and coming of age novels! Love Trollope and Framley Parsonage is one of my all time favorites and a comfort book to go to when there is way too much craziness around me! Dracula s AWESOME! Really a very apt Autumn read. I have read only one of Stella Gibbons - Cold Comfort Farm and loved it! Hope you enjoy this Gibbon as much! Gandhi ...I will let you decide! I am sure you were not asking for my detailed opinion on your list, but I loved your Autumn TBR so much that i got carried away! Happy Reading!

    1. I actually quite value your detailed opinion! :-) I'm glad to hear that I've chosen so well. Perhaps I should try to get to all of them. I loved Cold Comfort Farm too. Have you seen the movie? It's one of my favourites! I'm a little tired of my biography project; I still have eleven books left but after that we'll move to Histories and I can't wait for that.

      I hope you have a great autumn reading time with all the creepy books you're choosing to read. I pulled out an M.R. James the other day and might add it to my pile.

  10. The Dream! One of my absolute favourite Zolas - I can't wait to see how you get on with it! Ah, I'm looking forward to your post already! :D

    Northanger Abbey we have in commoon :) Dracula - I just finished that last night (started it over the weekend, though) - I really liked it, hope you do too. And looking forward to seeing what you make of Notes from Underground, especially as you read the other books that influenced it and I didn't. I'm reading The Gambler - it's in my edition of Notes from Underground, and I'm reading it with the attitude of "well, while I've got the book out I might as well" :)

    1. I read The Gambler very long ago and I remember really liking it. I was going to wait for more autumn-ish weather to start Dracula but I think I'm going to start it now ..... too many good recommendations. I think I need some quiet time to read Notes from the Underground. I'm going to Reno in October (oh joy!) so I think I'll take it with me then.

  11. A good list to dream of! I've just recently finished my reread of Northanger Abbey, but I'd happily reread Emma and Dracula this fall if I didn't have so many other books I want to get to. Enjoy those you do get a chance to read!

    1. Thanks, Amanda. Soon after I posted this list, I immediately got distracted by other books. But I'm going to try to read at least a few of these. Happy reading, to you!

  12. I wish you the best of luck in your reading endeavor this fall :) I empathize with the struggle.. So many good books and so little time. These seem perfect for my Halloween reading :). I hate to add to your neverending list but at some point you have to check out “The Lemoncholy Life of Annie Aster” by Scott Wilbanks ( It is a fantastic novel that has romance, time travel, mystery, suspense and the supernatural and is quite simply a book that you will not be able to put down (perfect for a cozy couch session!) The story follows Annie and her unusual correspondence with a 19th century schoolmarm, Elsbeth Gundy, from Kansas. Annie lives in modern day San Francisco and finds this mysterious link in her backyard. Out of nowhere appears a mailbox with a letter from Elsbeth stating “Trespass is dealt with at the business end of a shotgun in these parts!” The two have to discover what is connecting these two very different worlds. I absolute adore the characters and the dialogue in this book. It is clever and witty and I really think it is enjoyable from start to finish. Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks, Deborah and thanks for the recommendation. For modern books, if the grammar is good (ie. complex sentences with no fragmentation) and the rating on Goodreads is more than 3.75, I will usually give them a try. I'm kind of short on time at the moment, but I will definitely add it to my "to investigate" list!
