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Monday 7 March 2016

Classics Club Spin # 12 ........... And The Winner Is ...............

 Number 8

Well, this was a very good choice for me.  I've been trying to read through Anthony Trollope's The Barsetshire Chronicles for about two years, and am at the halfway point. Number 8 for me is Framley Parsonage, book number 4 in the series.

For some reason, I've had a Trollope-block in the last year, and I really needed a push, so perhaps this is it.  Now I just need to buckle down and read!


  1. Oh, this is a good one! Lucky you.

    1. I wish I felt more excited about it, but at least I don't feel dread. That is good! :-)

    2. Once you get going it will be OK I bet. I like Lucy. :)

    3. Thanks for the encouragement. Honestly, I really need it! :-)

  2. Framley Parsonage wasn't my favourite of the Barsetshire series, but I did still like it and I hope you do too. I'm working through Trollope's Palliser novels now and enjoying them, but making slow progress.

    1. I'm trying not to be distracted by The Pallisers until I finish this series. I've heard that one of the next two books is excellent, which is why I want to get through FP. Best wishes for your Pallisers read .... I'll get there eventually ....... :-)

  3. Hope you enjoy Framley Parsonage...
    I still have not read Trollope!

    1. His books are nice, easy reads even when they're big, so you have something to look forward to!

  4. I still haven't read any Trollope...someday. Hopefully this is just the kickstart you need to finish the series. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Amanda. I hadn't read Trollope before a couple of years ago either. I wonder why he's so under-read because his books are really very good.

  5. Good luck with your Trollope. His books are my classics list 2, for one day.... :-)
    Heavenali has been reading them too - her reviews may help you over the hump.

    1. I think if I have a reading partner I'll be over the hump. But we'll see when May 2nd arrives ..... Best of luck with The Dubliners .... I've heard that it's not as "challenging" as some of his other works.

  6. Sounds like a great winner for you! I've read the first two in the series, and hope to read more. I should add the next one to my list.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad to meet someone who is around the same place in the series as I am. A bunch of bloggers read this series two years ago and I fell embarrassingly behind. I've always had good intentions to finish but, alas, I'm stalled. I have a few books to clear from my currently reading and then I'll pick this one up. Thanks for stopping by, Shelley!

  7. This isn't my absolute favourite to be honest BUT I loved The Last Chronicle of Barset so much I'm happy to see you getting closer to it :)

    1. I've heard some positive reviews about The Small House at Allington too. If I can only get past FP, I think I may get excited about reading them again.
