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Saturday 19 March 2016

The Faerie Queene in Poetry Month ~ Two Events!

As you're probably aware from both my On Reading the Faerie Queene and Spenser's Images of Life posts, I'm gearing up to read The Faerie Queene in late April.  But instead of sliding quietly into the read-along, I thought it might be nice to give it an official announcement!

O at Behold the Stars was the instigator of this event and Jean, Cirtnecce, RuthConsoled Reader and I quickly followed her lead.  We will be attempting to stick to this schedule:

April 25 – May 1st  ~  Book I
May 2 – May 8th  ~  Book II
May 9 – May 15th  ~  Book III
May 16 – May 22nd  ~  Book IV
May 23 – May 29th  ~  Book V
May 30 – June 5th  ~  Book VI
June 6 – June 12th  ~  Mutability

Thanks to O for the prod, and to Jean's husband for creating a rather awesome button! Anyone else who would like to join us is very welcome!  Reading this tome among friends will make it much less intimidating!

And, coincidentally corresponding with the above read, in April Hamlette from The Edge of the Precipice is going to be hosting a Poetry Month Celebration in honour of National Poetry Month.

We'll be starting The Faerie Queene read-along near the end of the month, but I hope to be able to read a few more poems, at least one per week, for this event.  It's a good chance to focus on that category for my Deal Me In Challenge.

So if either of these events interest you, I hope you'll join us for a very busy April, and ring in the spring with poetry!


  1. Woohoo! I'm getting psyched for this FQ thing, though I'm sure it will feel like hitting a brick wall at full speed. :D I know, I'll call it...X-treme Poetry!

    1. Ha ha! I hope not! ;-) I'm not expecting it to be gentle though. I just hope that I can get a little more out of it than just the story. After Lewis' summation, I want to experience as much of it as I can, especially considering its length ..... it would be a long re-read.

      X-treme Poetry ..... I like it! :-)

  2. thanks for the old book picture. makes the knee jerk salivating response kick in...

    1. Hey! I know that reaction! When I visit used book stores that have older books, I'm like one possessed. :-)

  3. ok...lets get started...I am finally all pepped up! Here we come!I love the button!

    1. I'm glad you're excited. I can't wait to get started either ..... I hope I don't exhaust myself with anticipation before the actual start-date! ;-)

  4. No, Cleo, you have to stop tempting me to join in! I'm now tempted to say, "if I finish some of these books I'm reading..."

    In all seriousness, I probably should/will join in for some April poetry reading - one of those books I'm working on is a poetry collection I've been trying to read for one of my projects. What better time than April?

    1. I'm sorry, Amanda ..... I know that I've been the bane of your existence with regard to book-temptation this year. ;-) The poetry month is a good excuse for me to get some poetry read too. At least, that's what I tell myself. ;-)

  5. Great kick-off post and I wish you O, Jean and Ruth luck reading Faerie Queen! You all are the epitome of 'classic book' lovers! Looking forward to all your reviews!

    1. Luck in great quantities is what we'll need! Thanks for the wishes!

  6. Thanks for the shout-out! I would love to read The Faerie Queen some day, but I'm too deeply involved in other stuff right now, and I know I would drop out and feel guilty. I'll be reading through your posts, though!

    1. I've seen how busy you are and I'll be part of that busyness! I don't know how I'm going to manage it all, but if I can get through April still alive, I'll be pleased! ;-) Then it will be your Jane Eyre read-along in May! I can't wait!

  7. I'm bowing down before you -- I've never warmed up to epic poetry, and pre-1800s books are not my favorites. But I'll be following your posts and hopefully it will inspire me to give Spenser a try.

    1. I love Greek epic poetry (after thinking that I'd hate it), but I'm a little less comfortable with the medievals. We'll see how it goes. I hope you do read it one day. I have a feeling that even if I miss some of the more profound elements of it, that it will still be well worth the effort.

  8. I honestly would have sworn you were the instigator! Are you sure it wasn't your idea? I just can't remember...

    Whatever the case I'm really excited to start reading Spenser. As you know the first read for me was an absolute mess, but I'm really hopeful this time. I do actually think we'll enjoy this - I did approach it as something I ought to do, but I'm very sure this is going to be good fun :)

    1. Who?!!! Me?!!! **** whistling *****

      I thought it was you but I'm more than willing to take the blame. I'm being accused ..... oops, make that mentioned in a few blogs as being a reading instigator. I am very curious as to whether people will thank me at the end of the year, or if I'll have to run! ;-) Hee hee! We'll see ........

      I'm looking forward to Spenser too and hopefully lots of beautiful pictures!

  9. Hello Cleo! Is it too late to join the party???

    1. Hey, stranger! I'm so happy to see you turn up again!! I won't ask what you've been up to, but I can probably guess. ;-) I hope that life is treating you well. Of course, you can join the party! I'm going to be starting a little late because I'm trying to finish up my taxes, but please join in. I think we'll need as many brains as we can get to figure this one out. :-)
