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Monday 3 October 2016

Classics Club Spin # 14 ................ and the Winner Is ........

 Number 1

I must say that I'm rather excited to read We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.  I've heard excellent feedback about it and I haven't read a sci-fi book in awhile.  I've also been enjoying a Russian-fest lately, finishing off The Death of Ivan Ilyich and am in the middle of The Brothers Karamazov.  Both books have touched on issues that have lately been on my mind, and I wonder what insights I'll gain from reading We.

Now I need to finish off some of my recent reads so I can get started.  I hope everyone was as happy with their spin choice as I am with mine!


  1. Oh, fun! This is going to be excellent.

    1. I certainly hope so. A Russian sci-fi novel is a unique treat!

  2. You would think that the one time we dispense with the probability theory because we were confident, that one time, its lets us down!! Oh! Well! I am sure we will read something again....actually hang on!! We are reading a lot together as is! Happy Spinning! Hope you REALLY enjoy the book!

    1. Perhaps that just means that we shouldn't gamble ..... ;-)

      Yes, we have many reads going on together already. I will certainly let you know how much I enjoy it!

  3. Does your wide-range of reading include Flannery O'Connor? If so, perhaps this new venture will interest you:
    All the best from the Gulf coast . . .

  4. my better half recommended this but i have yet to read it... maybe this is my chance to catch up with her!! tx for picking out this one even if it was a chance event...

    1. Well, if you do read it, I would love to heard your thoughts. And I'm happy to have the recommendation of your better half; always helpful when plunging into new territory!

  5. I haven't got a copy of this book but I really want to read it. One of my sons asked me what I wanted for Christmas so I think I'll suggest this book.

    1. You know, I thought that I had a copy of it, but when I looked, I couldn't find it so I've had to order it from the library. Do you usually get lots of books for Christmas. If so, you'll have to post a picture of them on your blog because you always have such unique finds. I've started my own "Carols' recommendations" list! :-)
