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Wednesday 16 November 2016

Where Have I Been? Meet Finn!

Well, I suppose I haven't been absent from my blog for that long, but much longer than I usually would.  I can't use busyness as an excuse because I'm nearly always busy, however this time the busyness seems to have doubled as I have a new addition to my family.

As those of you who have followed my blog for over a year know, my beloved Australian Shepherd, Bear, passed away last November.

I took his loss harder than I ever thought I would.  He was a challenge at times, but so uniquely Bear, that his absence left a huge hole in my existence.  Yet in spite of the sadness, a house just doesn't seem like a home without a dog around, and with that in mind, a few months ago I put my name on a few "puppy lists."  There is such a demand for Aussies, you never seem to know for sure if you'll get one, but a few weeks ago we were informed that a puppy was ours.  

On Sunday we brought home a Blue Merle Male, and named him Finnegan:

He is sooooo cute and adorable and lovable and very good too, as far as puppies go. So we've been having a wonderful time getting acquainted, but I hope to be back to blogging soon!  I have the last few chapters of Jane Eyre to post on, and I've also finished The Brothers Karamazov and hope by some miracle to be able to put together a review of it.  But until then, I'm off to play ......... :-)


  1. I am envious! We had 3 rescue dachshund over the years, and the house has been doggone empty for a year; perhaps my envy will turn to action -- yes, perhaps I should BOLO for another rescue dachshund.

    Enjoy your furry Finn!

    All the best from . . .

    1. You should definitely get another dog, R.T. They bring such joy to your life!

  2. Glad to know there was a good reason you were absent :-)

    1. A very good reason ...... I'll have to read Don Quixote to him and hope he stays still long enough for me to finish at least a chapter! ;-)

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. Bear looks like an honorable soul.

    Finnegan is adorable -- and what a cute name! May he fill your heart and home. x

    1. Thanks for your condolences, Jillian. Bear was a great dog and will be missed always. But Finn is making his own legends already and is smart as anything. We're looking forward to making many memories with this little guy.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, CR! It was hard.

      For some reason your comment was sent to spam but I have unspammed it and here you are! :-)

  5. Hey, Cleo! It's like you brought home a new baby. : )

    1. It IS like having a new baby. At 8 weeks, he's into everything already but he's so much fun and so cute that I don't mind.

    2. My family doesn't have a dog because of me. I'm mean. (I don't want another child to care for bc, ultimately, I will be the one to care for it, I know.)

      But I did a really stupid thing: with this presidential election, I told my kids AND my husband that if Trump won, we will get a puppy. (It was my way of saying, "When pigs fly...").

      My kids told everyone, and the morning after the election, four people contacted me, asking, "So, what kind of puppy are you getting?" Do you know I want to kick myself?!?! I think we are getting a puppy... : (

    3. That's soo funny! A lesson in being careful in what you say!

      I think it all depends on how you look at it. The "baby" stage is reasonably short and honestly, he is so cute, it's not annoying when he runs by with something he's not supposed to have in his mouth. Look at it as a good exercise in patience. :-) And please let me know what kind of a puppy you end up getting! It's exciting!

    4. OK, I will. My husband wants a French bulldog, but I think he may need to compromise bc those dogs are expensive and delicate. But if I know him, he'll be the worst child of all and demand his way, while my kids won't care what we get. Even last night I asked him to give me some ideas for a Christmas list for him, and he sent me a picture of a puppy. So, that's what I'm dealing with.

  6. She is adddoooooorrravbbllllee!! I wish there was some way for Finn to be packed off to India!!Love the name BTW!!

    1. Sorry, I can't pack him up for you, but you can always visit him in Canada. You're welcome anytime.

  7. we lost uncle wiggley last week; v. sad, as his 3,5 lbs.(chihuahua) brought tidal waves of love into our house; we're still a bit water logged, but are recovering.... so glad you got a new member to share your lives....

    1. Oh Mudpuddle, I'm truly sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. I hope that you can find another bundle of joy to love once your hearts heal. There's really nothing like a dog! :-)

  8. Hello, Finn! You look adorable, and I want to snuggle you :-)

    1. He is adorable but getting to be a handful! He is VERY snuggly though. He's being picked up so much, I'm afraid he won't learn to walk. The puppy stage doesn't last long though so we're going to enjoy it for all it's worth!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. We have a cat - not anywhere near as affectionate as a dog, & completely unloyal! But until he goes we probably wouldn't get a dog.
    I've never heard of Australian Shepherds. My f-in-l breeds maremma sheep dogs & we'll be visiting him over Christmas. They are beautiful so the pressure will be on when our kids see them.

    1. I think it's always so great for kids to have a dog. It's work but it teaches them responsibility even if mom does much of the work. :-) Have fun resisting the Maremma's!

  11. Oh, he is so cute! I hope you've been having tons of fun with him and not too many puppy-disasters.

    1. He's sleeping right now but at his most awake, he is high energy! He slept through the night right from the start, which is apparently a miracle but so appreciated. We are definitely in puppydom, but enjoying it, as it won't last long.

      Glad to see that you're alive and kicking! ;-)
