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Monday 12 December 2016

Russian Literature Challenge 2017

Keely at We Went Outside and Saw The Stars is hosting a Russian Literature Challenge for 2017 about which I'm very excited!  In the past couple of years, I've continued reading Tolstoy, have begun to delve into Dostoyevsky, have explored some of Chekhov's works, and have aspirations to read more Pushkin. What better way to accomplish my plans than the Russian Literature Challenge?

Here are the levels to aim for:

  • Level One (Tolstoy): 1-3 books 
  • Level Two (Chekov): 4-6 books 
  • Level Three (Dostoevsky): 7-11 books
  • Level Four (Turgenev): 12+ books

You can count short stories, poetry, novels, novellas and plays in your book count.

As for my planned reads?  Ugh, I don't really like plans because for me they always change, but I'll list a few possibilities I might chose:

  1. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and a short story or two (my annoyance with D is turning into fascination)
  2. The Kreutzer Sonata by Leo Tolstoy & a short story or two
  3. Anna Akhmatova (poetry)
  4. The Diary of A Superfluous Man by Ivan Turgenev
  5. The Queen of Spades by Alexander Pushkin and others
  6. A Hero of Our Time by Mikhail Lermontov
  7. Dead Souls by Nikolia Gogol
  8. Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov
  9. Chekhov's works
  10. Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak
  11. Heart of A Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov
  12. something by Vladimir Nabokov
  13. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch by Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn
  14. The Gulag Archipelago by Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn
  15. We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

Before I start, I'd also love to read Lectures on Russian Literature by Vladimir Nabokov.

I'm having many wishful thoughts, I know.  For someone who was complaining about not having enough challenges for 2017, my slate seems to be filling up rapidly.  I just hope I can keep up!


  1. i admire your energy... had i time enough and.... something, something i've read some of these back in the salad days; have somehow lost the urge to reread the Russians, though... age, what hast thou done? it'll be interesting reading your posts, though; maybe i'll reignited...

    1. I do hope I reignite you for a least a couple. The longer I read Russian literature, the better I like it.

  2. WHAT?!! Woohoo, somebody did it! Watch me sign up faster than I can type "Russian literature."

    1. Well, I've certainly ignited someone! Glad you're in for it!

  3. Looks great, some of my favourite works out there in the list! Have fun! I also greatly enjoyed Nabokov's lectures, but I think it's a mistake to read them BEFORE the works themselves as you'll get all the spoilers)

    1. Thanks for the heads up, but don't worry. I won't read about the book before I read the actual book. Also some of the works I've listed I've read before. I'd just like a little guidance with some of these Russian authors, especially Dostoyevsky. The eastern mind can clash with my western one at times!

  4. I really enjoyed Oblomov, so here's to hoping you do too :-)

    1. He's at the top of my mental list. I almost read him this year but then ran out of time. If you liked him, I should too!

  5. So I have a host of different plans for 2017 so I cannot join in the complete read along. However I will give you company for Tolstoy, Nabokov and Solzhenitsyn's Gulag! When do we start?

    1. You only need to read 1-3 book to make a level, so you'll do fine! I've already begun The Gulag but it's been sitting staring at me for awhile. If you want to get started, read away! :-)

  6. I'd planned to read Solzhenitsyn's Cancer Ward this year but didn't get to it. I'd also like to read 'We,'so that's two already...

    1. I'm reading through The Gulag at the moment, and hope to finish it in 2017. If you have two books, you're good for the challenge. I hope that you'll join us!

  7. You know, I think the only Russian lit I've ever read was a Soviet-era reworking of the Wizard of Oz. So I really should try for something in 2017. I don't think I"ll join the challenge, however, as at best I'd only read one book, but it sounds like just the thing for you. Enjoy!

    1. Wow, that sounds bizarre. Russian lit is great and it gets better the more you read. I hope you have time to join for at least one book!

    2. It was rather different. Interesting to see another perspective on the Oz story--and perhaps some commentary by the Russian author of what he perceived as the original's shortcomings. It's hard to find in English--I had to ILL it, and I never have to do that with my library system.

  8. Out of your list, I'll be reading Crime and Punishment and Chekhov's plays. Looking forward to your thoughts on We by Yevgeny Zamyatin - I've not read it but heard lots about it :) Lectures on Russian Literature sounds great - I might try and get that for myself :)

    1. Ah, I'm surprised that I own a book that you don't! ;-) I'm glad that we'll have some reads in common. It will be helpful to bounce some observations off each other, especially in the case of Dostoyevsky, although I am becoming more familiar with him.

    2. I am in. I majored in Russian Studies but have read sadly few Russian Literature titles. I did however love the ones I have read.

    3. Welcome to my blog, MP! That's so neat that you majored in Russian studies. I hope you get the chance to read more Russian titles. Russian authors are quickly becoming some of my favourites! :-)
