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Tuesday 14 March 2017

Top Ten Spring Books

Ah, Spring!  The word is familiar but I think that I've forgotten what it looks like considering our rather chilly winter this year.

© Cleo @ Classical Carousel

However, today it's very rainy and 9 C which is much more normal, so it's not so difficult for my brain to contemplate the coming of flowers and sun and warmer temperatures. Now as for books, let's see what I have slated for this much anticipated time of year as I participate in another Top Ten Tuesday from the Broke and the Bookish.

Source Wikipedia

Books for Spring!


The History of the Peloponnesian War
by Thucydides

Following on the heels of Herodotus' The Histories, this is the second book in my The Well-Educated Mind history project.  I loved Herodotus so I'm looking forward to this one!


The Republic
by Plato

I must admit, I cannot wait to read this!  Am I crazy?  Perhaps, but the only work of Plato I've read is The Apology and I loved it.  I think he and I will become fast friends.


The Last Chronicle of Barset
by Anthony Trollope

I'm shocked at the thought of completing my Barsetshire project.  I'm halfway through The Small House At Allington, so I hope by the end of spring to complete the whole thing.  Woo Hoo!


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll

This is the read-along for Amanda at Simpler Pastimes' Classic Children's Literature Event for April, which I'm highly anticipating.  It's been at least a decade since I joined Alice in her adventures and I'm looking forward to it.


Finn Family Moomintroll
by Tove Jansson

Ah, I love my family of Moomins and all their fun friends.  It will be so special to revisit this children's classic, perhaps my favourite of all the children's classics. Another book for the Classic Children's Literature Event.


Red Sails to Capri
by Ann Weil

I've read this once before and remember being impressed with the uniqueness of the story, which combined engaging fiction in an historical setting.  I'm definitely interested in a re-read.


The Alexandria Quartet
by Lawrence Durrell

Oh, how painful!  I've started this book and I really enjoy Durrell's writing but the subject matter is certainly NOT uplifting and it's been dragging on.  I know that I'll still be reading it in spring.  Sigh.  Wish me luck.


Dead Souls
by Nikolai Gogol

No promises, but I'm going to try to add this one to my reads.  I must get a move on with my Russian literature project.


The Dream
by Emile Zola

Oh my!  I started the Rougon Macquart series ages ago and have stalled after book number 4.  The Dream or Le Révè is supposed to be excellent, so what is preventing me from starting?  Focus, which right now is on other books.


Mary Barton 
by Elizabeth Gaskell

Will I, won't I?  Will I, won't I?  I feel that I'd like to read something by a woman author such as Gaskell or Eliot or Brontë, but I'm not too specific about the book.  Mary Barton might be my first choice but we'll see.  Spring brings change and this list could change as well! :-)


  1. And meanwhile in New Hampshire, we are dealing with a footplus of new snow. Bloody March weather...

    1. Oh, yuck! But New Hampshire is beautiful in the springtime, isn't it? Just hold on ...... :-)

  2. Looking forward to Thucydides in April.

    I'm pretty sure I didn't read the Alice books as a child (I'm not sure why) but I read both a few years ago and loved them.

    I suspect The Republic will end up being a summer read (June) but I'm looking forward to it.

    1. Thucydides, I hope, will be fun. And Plato, yes! Glad to have your thoughts on these books .... you do such a thorough job!

  3. That snowy mountain view is wonderful!

    I'm excited to see Gogol on your list for spring...haven't read him but ought to. This reminds me I'd better start on my Russian lit challenge, too.

    1. I'm glad to hear that there's another person who is dragging on the Russian challenge. I don't know what's wrong with me. In the years I do no Russian challenges, I read lots of Russian lit, but on the years I do them, it grinds to a halt. Time to step up the pace!

  4. oohhh!! Wonderful list! Needless to say I am reading The Histories and Alice in Wonderland with you!! Yay...we will also read Dead Souls (Evil Grin!) Also I LOVE The Republic....I was the only one to read it cover to cover in College in my batch (yes..once a nerd, always a nerd!) So kinda kicked about that as well. Finally please do read Mary Barton, it starts kind of slowly, but it is wonderful read, depicting humans and their lives with great insight and sensitivity...a true Gaskellian work!! We shall have fun in the spring! ;)

    1. Yes, ma'am, on your excellent advice, when I pick up my women's title, I will choose Mary Barton. I love Gaskell's writing ..... so deep and meaningful!

  5. i'm in awe of your ambition... i've tried Lawrence Durrell several times but i just haven' found the key to letting myself in... it just bogs down and i have to call a tow truck to get me out... good luck with it; lots of respect for trying it...

    1. Oh my, I know! There is something both intriguing and repelling about Durrell, both at the same time. I will persevere but I'm not sure how quickly.

  6. Top Ten Spring Books is trending at the moment! Great list!

    1. Thanks! So glad to see you back, Nancy and in a new format! Excellent! :-)

  7. Replies
    1. That view is of a mountain ski resort about two hours from where I live. We do live right near the mountains though so this year, views like this have been quite common. However, as I speak the snow is melting. Rather sad on one hand, but I am looking forward to spring.

  8. Great list of fun and serious stuff. Zoladdiction hosted by Fanda again in April might help your Zola Dream come to fruition!

    1. I know and I am sooooo tempted but I really have to concentrate on The Histories, as much as I'd like to add something else. Sadly, I think I will be late to Zoladdiction this year. :-(

  9. That's a nice eclectic list--one of my brothers absolutely loves The Alexandria Quartet and has read many times and keeps on telling me to read it, but it doesn't quite appeal to me. Sounds like a bit of a slog. Mary Barton is quite good but not my favorite Gaskell--but if you've already read N&S and W&D, then it is a good choice. I need to get started on Last Chronicle myself--looking forward to it.

    Happy reading.

    1. Jane, I haven't read Wives and Daughters yet, but it's the one I'm anticipating the most, so I'm saving it for last. Does that make sense? ;-) Yes, Durrell does take some getting used to but I'm going to persevere. Ah, I'm glad I'm not the last to finish the Barsetshire series. I want to start The Pallisers at some point, but I might need a break first. Happy reading to you too!

  10. What a varied list! From Greek philosophy to Moomintrolls... I know where my preferences lie. :) I"m glad you're so excited about the upcoming event, and Alice. I love the cover you found for that one. But now you're tempting me to read some Gaskell, and I really don't have the time just now, with all my other books...

    1. Well, perhaps the Muskrat (the philosopher) from the Moomintrolls can link everything together, Lol! ;-) I'm very excited about your event and can't wait to start. Gaskell is a fabulous writer; perhaps you can squeeze her in. ;-)

  11. Happy spring! Gosh, you've got some tough ones there! If I was sensible I'd join you in reading Plato but a wee bit too busy at present. I'll regret it though when you finish and I still haven't read it!

    Do enjoy The Dream and Last Chronicles - I love them both as you know :) Mary Barton's great too. Good luck with Dead Souls - I found that one tricky but do want to re-read it one day (not this year though).

    The Alexandria Quartet - one I've heard of but know nothing about. Will look forward to seeing what you make of it :)

    1. Yes, you're busy with renos, aren't you? Something I'd like to do but not at the moment.

      Well, I might not get to Plato for awhile, so perhaps you'll be ready when I decide to read it.

      Yeah! I've almost finished A Small House at Allington, so I'll be ready to begin The Last Chronicles. I'm going to start Dead Souls in the next few days.

      Happy spring to you too, O!
