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Saturday 1 April 2017

April ~ Showers and Showers and Showers but no Flowers

© Cleo @ Classical Carousel

Well, perhaps I'm exaggerating.  I have seen crocuses pressing out of the soil, and the tiny promise of buds on some of the bare trees, but we certainly have seen little sunshine to herald the coming of this spring month.  Today it's rainy heavily and rather grey, but nevertheless, this last month brought some new experiences and new adventures!

© Cleo @ Classical Carousel
In March, I experienced my first foray into downhill skiing and I think I'm hooked.  The day was very snowy and we actually went cross country skiing at first not realizing (being newbie cross-country skiers) that very snowy weather does not produce ideal conditions for cross country. Tracks get covered which makes for very slow going and then going downhill is also rather boring. When we went back to the base, we discovered that we were the only people out, and they encouraged us to catch a bus to the alpine base. Downhill skiing?  I hadn't been in decades, but I wasn't adverse to entertaining the thought.  In any case, we soon found ourselves "equipmented" up and ready to go.  After some very good coaching from an ace skier, we tried our first run.  Eehhh, not good.  The hill looked enormous to me as a beginner, but after a few runs I was getting the hang of it and soon didn't want to stop.  It was soooo awesome!!! My only complaint was that cross country clothing attire is not good for downhill, where you are sitting on a snowy chairlift for a good amount of the time at the mercy of the wind and cold.  When I came home, the next day I immediately went out and bought a warmer jacket.  And guess what?  I haven't been downhill skiing since.  :-(  Life takes over and makes one so busy that time for recreation dwindles, and the season is ending making at times for less than ideal conditions.  In any case, I do want to make this sport a priority next year!

© Cleo @ Classical Carousel
I also made a trip to visit a friend whom I hadn't seen in about 3 years.  She's started a farm in the community consisting of a number of animals as well as a number of acres that produce squash, tomatoes, herbs, potatoes, garlic and other vegetables. The growing season, of course, hadn't begun but it was fun to catch up.  I met ducks, chickens, sheep, goats and was even charged by a llama that screeched to a stop in front of me and then kissed me. Rather intimidating!  It was lovely to get away and relax for a couple of days even if the weather was somewhat damp and rainy.  Each night our dinners consisted of everything off the farm, a journey from garden to table, so to speak.  Another trip followed, with both of us visiting an amazing farm on a nearby island.  The farmer's business model is to help neighbouring farms as much as possible, allowing them the use of his equipment and selling them some of his seeds at cost.  All of his farming consists of organic and/or heirloom varieties, and the excitement and dedication he exhibited when describing his operation was inspiring.  I came home with four different varieties of seed potatoes and I can't wait to get planting.  Which brings me to my next adventure ---- food blogging.  I've started planning a food blog with a friend about which I'm rather excited.  In spite of having the imagination to see the finished product in our minds, the reality of the process is work, work and more work.  It will be arduous to get it up and running I think, and at the moment it's in the copious-amounts-of-planning stage, but hopefully within the next six months, we'll have it launched.  So stay tuned and I promise to keep you updated!

© Cleo @ Classical Carousel

The thought of talking about reading is rather depressing.  I've almost finished The Histories and did finish up The Small House at Allington, so all is not gloom and doom.  I'm going to be starting The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides,  Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol, The Last Chronicle of Barset by Anthony Trollope, as well as continuing my Great Ideas Projects and my Deal Me In Challenge.  April also brings Amanda at Simpler Pastimes Classic Children's Literature Event, so I plan to read her read-along book Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol, in addition to Cyrus the Persian by Sherman A. Nagel (to complement my The Histories read), Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson and hopefully one or two other yet unchosen classics. (Why does this person sitting next to me in the coffee shop keep staring at me? ;-)  )  I am quite kerfuffled by the lack of reading time I've had lately.  I don't know what's wrong.  I mean, I know that my reading time is reduced but really I should be getting through more books than I am.  For shame on me!

© Cleo @ Classical Carousel

My wishes for April?  More reading time, but I know that I have lots of blogging to do so I plan to be realistic.  Yet that realism will not keep me from pining for more personal time with my books.  I also need more focus, which probably should be my catch-word for the month.  However, income taxes are looming and I have pretty much resigned myself to another unproductive month, this time doing chores instead of fun adventurous things. Oh well, perhaps I will surprise myself.  Tune in next month to find out.

Best springy April wishes to everyone!

© Cleo @ Classical Carousel


  1. I've been loving these visual and descriptive peeks into your life! It's been almost non-stop showers around here, too. As much as I like rain, more "springy" weather will be a welcome change.

    1. I'm having fun writing them and it's been illuminating to me at how interesting my life is, LOL! One hardy realizes it until one writes it down. Yes, tomorrow is supposed to be nicer so let's hope!

  2. my gosh but you're a busy person! it's been rainrainrain here also; nice day yesterday, but the grey is back(sound of teeth gritting) lots of slides caused by the too much water with road closures and detours which don't affect us much as we are not very going outish... looking forward to reading about your most adventurous reading excursions... tx....

    1. I have been very busy; it's been fun but also exhausting!

      I started The Last Chronicle of Barset today so my focus, for the first day of April at least, has been excellent!

  3. Beautiful pictures. : )

    I wish I had more reading time, too. I'm so exhausted. Life. ugh!

    1. Thank you, Ruth! I've felt that you've been overly busy in the last while. Homeschooling so many must take alot out of you, along with other life challenges. I try to remember that life comes in stages and things pass or alter, so hopefully in time life will look brighter. Thinking of you!

  4. Lovely pictures! I want to migrate!!!! Summers are here and there's still snow is your part of the world! Did I say I want to migrate??!!!I just wrote my post saying I want to read Dead Souls if I can get Cleo to go along the road and then I hope over and see your post and YAYYAYYYY!! I think i will finish the The Histories project in about 10 years the rate I am going! Anyhow here's to more reading time in April. P.S. I LOVE Food Blogs!!!!! Get it going soon!!

    1. Come visit, certainly! You might get so cold that you'll long to return home. Yes, I have plans to get to Dead Souls but I have so much happening that I've only read one page. Aargh! I have to push through my last two Histories posts. Time, again, is the problem. Oh yes, the food blog. I'm really excited about it and will send you the link when it's ready to go.

  5. We've actually had a bit of an early spring, which makes me nervous - what will summer be like? And I'm not even a farmer concerned about fruit trees; often when it warms up early, the trees bloom before the final frost and the crops are bad.

    It sounds like you need more reading time! So many plans. At least the children's classics you have planned should be quicker reads. Happy reading!

    1. Oh no! That would be terrible if the fruit crops were affected for the year. Such weird weather everywhere.

      I am so excited about the Classic Children's Lit event. It's exactly what I need this month. And, I've actually started! :-)

  6. I love your pictures! Skiing sounds fun - I've never tried it myself, never had the opportunity. The farm sounds perfect, absolutely perfect!

    If it makes you feel any better I've not read much this past fortnight either, hopefully today I'll get some time. *Hopefully*! :)

    1. Thanks! Skiing was fun but gone for another year. Sigh!

      I cannot image you not reading much. Impossible! ;-) I've read a little these last few days, but overall it's terrible. If I get through 12 books this year, it might be considered an accomplishment. Yikes! ;-)
