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Tuesday 11 September 2018

September .......

The summer has officially gone and the rain has begun, however as yet, not much of it ...... thankfully.  In some ways I'm glad to see its passing and in others, it leaves me slightly melancholic.

Because of the amount that I was working, my garden this year was rather pitiful with only some garlic (which is small because I didn't cut off the scapes in time), kale, herbs and some volunteer potatoes, although my fig tree had a fabulous crop of about 60 King Kadota figs and my quince tree, instead of its usual 6-8 quince has about 20-25. If you've never tried quince it's a much undervalued fruit because you need to cook it to eat it, but it has a wonderful flavour.  Click on this link for a recipe for Apple Quince Crisp if you want to give it a try.  You won't be disappointed.

My construction job is nearly completed which leaves me with a sad yet joyful feeling as well.  I must say that I made sure that I enjoyed every minute of it and made the most of it, but all good things must end and this too, as others.  Life has brought many changes lately and I'm not quite certain where this one will lead.  I'm sure I will find out all in good time.

© Cleo @ Classical Carousel

My reading this year has suffered more than in the whole entirety of my life.  I've finished 2 books ..... can you believe it?  TWO!  But I've begun many more however I haven't been able to get traction.  With the changes and busyness and confusion, I've remained reasonably unfocused yet, with some extra time lately, I've managed to start and keep on track with two reads: Bleak House and New York by Edward Rutherford.  I feel like I'm going to like this particular Dickens.  I also plan to add C.S. Lewis' The Four Loves and The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe.  I've seen Udolpho mentioned a number of times on blogs lately, so I thought I would join the trend.  I think a silly gothic romance might be just the thing I need right now.

© Cleo @ Classical Carousel

I also just created an Instagram account for Classical Carousel.  I have Instagram for my food blog but I hadn't thought of it for my book blog.  But fortunately I'm now signed up. Please find me and follow me for a more day-to-day, week-to-week update of my reading adventures!

So keeping this short, I will sign off and hope for you all a wonderful September!


  1. how's the smoke? i went for a bike ride today and was happy to get totally soaked... the photo of the sunset is spectacular! and needs must when the devil drives, re work vs. reading... i wonder who said that first... i don't know what an instagram is; just another evidence of my anti-computer prejudice... nice to hear from you...

    1. The smoke went from here weeks ago. Actually just before the rains began the wind changed and made it clearer.

      Ha, ha! Instagram is a social media platform. I had wondered where all the read-alongs had gone from the blogs, but have found lots there. But I do believe the less you are on the computer, the better. Much better have your face in a book! ;-)

  2. I loved Bleak House - so many memorable characters & I also enjoyed the BBC movie. I'm not getting a lot of joy out of my reading at present. I need to choose something 'just because' & not because I have it on my TBR or it's part of a challenge. I'm also doing a bit of pre-reading as I plan some highschool work...

    1. Yes! I choose a good Dickens! :-)

      I hope you're able to recapture your reading joy soon! Sometimes we get drawn into what we HAVE TO read instead of what we WANT TO read. I'm not quite sure what I'm in the mood for lately but I am enjoying the books I have on the go.

      I miss homeschooling! You're so fortunate that you are still able to do it!
