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Major Works Reviews

A Master List of My Book Reviews:

~ A ~
Aeschylus --- The Persians
Aeschylus --- The Seven Against Thebes
Aeschylus --- The Suppliant Maidens
Aeschylus --- The Oresteia ~ Agamemnon
Aeschylus --- The Oresteia ~ The Libation Bearers
Aeschylus --- The Oresteia ~ The Eumenides
Alcott, Louisa May --- Eight Cousins
Alighieri, Dante ---  Vita Nuova
Anonymous -- Beowulf (trans. by Seamus Heaney)
Anonymous -- The Epic of Gilgamesh
Anonymous -- The Sayings of the Desert Fathers
Aristophanes -- Lysistrata
Augustine, St. --- Confessions
Austen, Jane --- Emma
Austen, Jane --- Northanger Abbey
Austen, Jane --- Persuasion
Austen, Jane --- Pride and Prejudice
Austen, Jane --- Sense and Sensibility

~ B ~
Baum, L. Frank --- The Wizard of Oz
Benedict of Nursia --- The Rule of Saint Benedict
Bradbury, Ray --- Something Wicked This Way Comes
Brontë, Charlotte --- Jane Eyre
Brontë, Charlotte --- Villette
Brontë, Emily --- Wuthering Heights
Bunyan, John --- Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
Butler, Samuel --- Erewhon

~ C ~
Camus, Albert --- The Plague
Chandler, Raymond --- The Big Sleep
Chaucer, Geoffrey --- The Canterbury Tales (scroll for individual stories)
Chekhov, Anton --- The Princess
Chernyshevsky, Nikolai --- What Is To Be Done?
Chesterton, G.K. --- The Club of Queer Trades
Chesterton, G.K. --- The Man Who Was Thursday
Cicero, Marcus Tullius --- Defence Speeches
Collins, Wilkie --- The Moonstone
Colson, Charles W. --- Born Again
Collodi, Carlo --- The Adventures of Pinocchio

~ D ~
Descartes, René --- Meditations
Dickens, Charles --- David Copperfield
Dickens, Charles --- Doctor Marigold
Dickens, Charles --- The Pickwick Papers
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor --- The Brothers Karamazov
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor --- Notes From the Underground
Douglass, Frederick --- Narrative of the Life and Times of Frederick Douglass

~ E ~
Eliot, George --- Daniel Deronda
Emerson, Ralph Waldo --- Friendship (Essay)

~ F ~
Fitzgerald, F. Scott --- The Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald, F. Scott --- Tender is the Night
Flaubert, Gustave --- Madame Bovary
Franklin, Benjamin --- The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

~ G ~
Gandhi, Mohatmas --- The Story of My Experiments With Truth
Gibbons, Stella --- Nightingale Wood
Gissing, George --- New Grub Street
Gordimer, Nadine --- July's People

~ H ~
Hardy, Thomas --- Far From the Madding Crowd
Hemingway, Ernest --- The Old Man and the Sea
Herodotus --- The Histories
Hitler, Adolf --- Mein Kampf
Homer --- The Odyssey

~ J ~
Jacobs, Harriet Ann - Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
James, M.R. --- Count Magnus and Other Ghost Stories
Jansson, Tove --- Finn Family Moomintroll
Jerome, Jerome K. --- Idle Thoughts of An Idle Fellow

~ K ~
Kaye, M.M. --- Shadow of the Moon
Kempe, Margery --- The Book of Margery Kempe
Ker-Conway, Jill --- The Road from Coorain
Kerouac, Jack --- On The Road

~ L ~
Lewis, C.S. --- A Preface to Paradise Lost
Lewis, C.S. --- The Last Battle
Lewis, C.S. --- The Magician's Nephew
Lewis, C.S. --- The Horse and His Boy
Lewis, C.S. --- The Silver Chair
Lewis, C.S. --- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Lewis, C.S. --- Prince Caspian
Lewis, C.S. --- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lewis, C.S. --- The Pilgrim's Regress
Lewis, C.S. --- The Great Divorce
Lewis, C.S. --- Surprised by Joy
Lewis, C.S. --- A Grief Observed
Lewis, C.S. --- Out of the Silent Planet
Lewis, C.S. --- Dante's Similes
Lewis, C.S. --- Spenser's Images of Life

~ M ~
Malcolm X - The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Malory, Thomas --- Le Morte d'Arthur (read-along updates)
Maupassant, Guy --- The Necklace
Merton, Thomas --- The Seven Storey Mountain
Milton, John --- Paradise Lost
de Montaigne, Michel --- Essays - Introduction, Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Montgomery, L.M. --- Rilla of Ingleside
More, Thomas --- Utopia
Morris, William --- The Well at the World's End
Mundo, Frank --- The Brubury Tales

~ N ~
Nagel, Sherman A. --- Cyrus the Persian
Nietzsche, Friedrich --- Ecco Homo

~ O ~
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) --- Metamorphoses

~ P ~
Plato  ---  The Apology of Socrates
Pushkin, Alexander --- Eugene Onegin & review #2

~ R ~
Rodriguez, Richard --- Hunger of Memory
Rowlandson, Mary --- The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques --- Confessions

~ S ~
Sarton, May --- Journal of a Solitude
Shakespeare, William --- The Comedy of Errors
Shakespeare, William --- Hamlet
Shakespeare, William --- Henry V
Shakespeare, William --- Othello
Shakespeare, William --- Richard II
Shakespeare, William --- Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare, William --- The Winter's Tale
Shelley, Mary ---- Frankenstein
Sophocles --- Oedipus Rex
Sophocles --- Oedipus at Colonus
Stein, Gertrude --- The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
Steinbeck, John --- East of Eden
Stevenson, Robert Louis  ---  The Black Arrow
Stretten, Hesba --- The Christmas Child
Sturgis, William --- The Journal of William Sturgis
Swift, Jonathan --- Gulliver's Travels

~ T ~
Taylor, Patrick  ---  An Irish Country Doctor
Teresa of Avila ---  The Life of St. Teresa of Avila by Herself
Thoreau, Henry David --- Walden, or My Life in the Woods
Thucydides --- History of the Peloponnesian War
Tolstoy, Leo --- The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Tolstoy, Leo --- War and Peace
Trollope, Anthony --- The Warden
Trollope, Anthony --- Barchester Towers
Trollope, Anthony --- Doctor Thorne
Trollope, Anthony ---- Framely Parsonage
Trollope, Anthony ---- A Small House at Allington
Turgenev, Ivan --- Fathers and Sons

~ V ~
Voltaire --- Candide

~ W ~
Washington, Booker T. --- Up From Slavery
Wells, H.G. --- The Time Machine
Wharton, Edith --- Ethan Frome
White, T.H.  ---  Once and Future King
Wiesel, Elie --- All Rivers Run to the Sea
Woolf, Virginia --- Mrs. Dalloway
Woolf, Virginia --- Orlando: A Biography
Woolf, Virginia --- The Voyage Out

~ Z ~
Zola, Emile --- The Fortune of the Rougon
Zola, Émile --- Son Excellence, Eugène Rougon
Zola, Émile --- La Curée
Zola, Émile --- L'Argent (Money)


  1. Hi Cleo, I’ve nominated you and your blog for the Premio Dardos Award:

    1. Thanks so much, Joseph. I feel honoured that you've decided to nominate me, but I'm not so sure about the award itself. And having to name 15 other bloggers is overwhelming. It makes it more like a chain letter than an award. In any case, thanks again -- I appreciate your nomination and I'll think about it.
