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Monday 1 December 2014

Back to the Classics Challenge Wrap-Up

I can't believe that it's already time to wrap-up for the year.  This challenge was probably my easiest by far and I actually finished it on August 25th.  Oh, if they all were so easy!

1.  20th Century Classic   The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton
2.  19th Century Classic   David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
3.  A Classic By A Woman Writer  Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
4.  A Classic In Translation   Son Excellence, Eugène Rougon by Émile
5.  A Wartime Classic  War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
6.  A Classic by an Author Who is New to You  The Warden by Anthony 


1.  An American Classic   The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
2.  A Classic Mystery/Suspense Thriller  The Big Sleep by Raymond 
3.  A Classic Historical Fiction Book  The Once And Future King by E.B. 
4.  A Classic That Has Been Adapted into a T.V. or Movie Series  Othello
5.  Extra Fun Category - Write a Review of #4   Othello Movie Reviews 

This challenge was hosted by Karen at Books and Chocolate (what a great blog name, huh?) and she did a wonderful job!  I hope the challenge continues in 2015!


  1. Well done! :D

    I finished one of my challenges very early as well, but the rest... I didn't do so well!

    1. Thanks!

      I will cry over my TBR Pile Challenge, and sob a little over my History and Arthurian challenges. I think I'll meet my goals on the last two but I didn't accomplish anywhere near what I'd hoped ....... one of the reasons I'm trying to moderate my challenges for 2015.

  2. Congratulations on finishing the challenge, and especially with some pretty long books in there - War and Peace and The Once and Future King! I've still got one category to go, so I'm hoping I'll finish in time. :D

    1. Ooooo, thanks! I'm happy about this challenge ...... I'll have some other updates though, that won't be as uplifting ......

      Only one more?! Grab a novella or something short. You can do it! You're so close!

  3. Congartulations!

    For optional #5, I think we must write a review for the movie adaptation, while #4 is for the book. Cmiiw...

    The Great Gatsby and David Copperfield are my favorites, especially Gatsby, I've been wanting to re-read it.

    1. Thanks!

      Now you know why I tend to avoid challenges with lots of rules. ;-) I don't usually write reviews of books that I have really not much to say about, as I don't want to bore everyone, and the same goes for movies, but I can tack one on if you want me to.

  4. Congratulations on finishing so many great books -- some of my favorite authors are on your list! However, I'm having trouble linking to two of your reviews -- Summer by Edith Wharton, and the review of one of the film adaptations of Great Gatsby. Also, did you post any of the reviews to the other pages? There's still time, since the challenge runs through December 31. Thanks!

    1. No, there's no trouble. I didn't review Summer and The Great Gatsby I mistook for the book review (see above). Don't worry about it. I'm terrible at following rules, and challenges are, for me, more about helping me focus on my reading lists and enjoying the reads. I don't always have something to say about everything I read (surprising, huh? ;-) ) I had a few challenges where I was supposed to post reviews and I think I missed that. Were you asking because there is a prize draw? I didn't look and, as you can see from all my challenges, there are so many, I can hardly keep them straight. In any case, if it's about the prize draw, I'm not worried about it. I'm just happy to have finished the challenge. Thanks again for hosting!

    2. I've just finished Le Morte d'Arthur so much of my reading stress for the end of the year is gone! On second thought, let me see if I can change some books around on my list. If I can add a book that already has a review in place of Summer, that would work. And I can then do a review for the movie ....... if I can't do an adequate review for a book that would bother me, but for a movie, it's not so dire. :-) Once I get everything in order, I'll put a comment on your blog so you don't have to be checking back here. Thanks for keeping me straight! .... or trying to ..... ;-)
