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Monday 1 December 2014

Jane Austen Project 2015

Plethora @ Plethora of Books is doing her own Jane Austen Project for 2015 and I've decided to join her.

Isn't the button lovely?  In any case, I've read most of Austen's works, only having the last half of Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion left to read. Plethora's described her challenge as this:

February: Sense andSensibility [1811] (409 pg.)

My addition: Pride and Prejudice [1813] (254 pg.)
July: Mansfield Park [1814] (507 pg.)

August: Emma [1815] (474 p.)

October: Northanger Abbey [1818] (254 pg.)

December: Persuasion [1818] (254 pg.)

I'll probably switch up the months a little.  I've heard rumour of a Persuasion read-along in January that I'd like to join and, while she hasn't included Pride and Prejudice in her challenge, I'm going to slot it in.  This should be my fifth time reading it.
So if we have any more "joiners", please go to Plethora's blog, grab the button and sign up!


  1. This sounds like a great event! I definitely want to re-read Emma next year, as it's the anniversary of its publication, but the whole project sounds very tempting. :)

    1. Yes, let me tempt you! I haven't read an Austen in a year or two, so I'm looking forward to it. I have your fabulous post on Mansfield Park marked to read when I get to it!

  2. That is a lovely idea and a lovely button, and I am so tempted but I have too many plans already. One to watch from the sidelines, I think.

    1. I understand what you mean about trying to moderate your plans. I'm trying to reign myself in and I already have too many. Sideline watching is good ..... I do alot of it myself. All the best for your reading plans in 2015!

  3. I'll make a deal with you: Of all the challenges you join in 2015...choose 1 that you would like me to participate in...and I'll do it!
    It will be fun.....and you get to choose the challenge!

    1. Really?! My first reaction is excitement and then I think, "Oh no, what pressure!" Okay, it's a deal! What fun! Just make sure I don't choose something that you've already covered, for example, if you've read all of Austen's books last year, please let me know.

      You always have such creative and unique ideas, Nancy. I knew there was a reason that we're friends! Ha, ha! ;-)

    2. No're the boss! :))

    3. Wow, that happens so rarely! I hope I don't get heady with the power! LOL!

  4. I think I may have to join a few of these readalongs. I still haven't read Northanger Abbey or Persuasion.

    1. Read-alongs are such great ideas because they give you a push to read those books that have been hanging around for so long. I hope we all get to finish those Austen's that have been sitting on our TBR lists.

  5. I LOVE Jane Austen...I read atleast one of her books atleast once in 3 months...I also may join for some read alongs!

    1. Then you should have no problem joining. I'd like to read her more often but I always have so many other things going on and then, when I finally get back to her, I wonder why I waited so long.

  6. It's been ages since I've read an Austen, and I'm almost tempted to say that I WILL reread one of her novels next year, but I'm trying really hard not to make (too many) commitments for 2015. But I'm happy to cheer others on. Enjoy!

    1. Cheering is good, too ....... I can always use that. I hope you're able to get to at least one of Austen's novels next year, but I understand about not wanting to load yourself up. I hope you have a great reading year in 2015!
