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Tuesday 31 May 2016

A Top Ten Summer ~ Which Books?

I haven't done a Top Ten Tuesday in awhile AND I haven't posted in awhile, so today is the perfect day to do both.  The Broke and the Bookish are asking us what books we will be putting in our beach bags this summer.  Usually this question would be a breeze for me, but I've been so stunned by The Faerie Queene, mentally I don't seem to be able to get past it.  Soooooo, I'll list some of the books I'm reading at the present and then try to add others that might appeal to a summer reading schedule.


The Faerie Queene

I love and dread this work at the same time.  Right now, I'm in a rut with hardly any time to give it the needed attention but I intend to plug along and finish at some point.


Jane Eyre

Hamlette's read-along of this great classic has just begun.  The pace is very measured and allows the participant to really dig deep into the text.  Lots of summer fun!


The Gulag Archipelago

The final book of my The Well-Educated Mind Biographies project.  Do I read the complete book or an abridged work?  I can't decide!


Framley Parsonage

Argh!  I've been trying to get through my read of the Barsetshire Chronicles for two years!  I stalled on this book (#4), but I started it again recently and was more engaged with it.  I hope to say that I've finished it by the end of the summer.


The Home and the World

I believe that I'm reading this with Cirtnecce to commemorate India Independence Day (Aug 15th), if I'm not mistaken.


Don Quixote

I'm reading this with Bookstooge on Booklikes beginning in the month of August.  This will be a re-read for me and I'm looking forward to it.  August seems like it will be the only relaxing month for me this summer.


The Histories 

I add this one to the list with a heavy heart.  I am dying to read it, but really, do I realistically think I'm going to be able to get to it with all the other books that I'm reading?  I doubt it.  But hope always springs eternal with me and ...... well, I just might get to it.


Henry V

My Shakespeare challenge has been a pitiful failure so far.  I'm embarrassed.  So I'm determined to read at least one Shakespeare this summer.  If I can get Henry V read, I will have completed the Henriad!


A Doll's House

Another read with Cirtnecce.  At least it's short.  I'm looking forward to it.


Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes

A wild card choice.  Why not?  It sounds relaxing and not too mentally taxing.  Just what the doctor ordered!


  1. Don Quixote was my first classic in TWEM novels, and I want to reread it some day. : ) People either hate it or love it.

    Hey, you could wait until January 2017 to read Herodotus. I'll be starting it for WEM histories.

    1. Oh, I meant to add that "I loved (DQ)."

    2. I remember really liking the first part of DQ, and not liking the second very much. He wrote the two parts with years in between and I think the character transition suffered. We'll see how I feel this time around.

      I'm sure you'll be finished the Histories before me, even with starting in January 2017! ;-) I want to do an in-depth read of them, if I ever get started.

  2. Wonderful choices, all! I'm anxious to hear about the Landmark Herodotus when you get to it.

    1. The maps in the Landmark Herodotus are going to be invaluable. I'll let you know what I think!

  3. I was laughing out loud all the while I was reading the post, thinking, its a good thing I do not do top 10s...our list would look the SAME! I mean I am reading/read 6 of your 10 books with you! Too funny! But I am really excited about Dolls House and The Home and the World!I am managing along The Faerie Queene but am yet to start on Histories!

    1. I'm glad I've made you laugh and not cry. I can only think of the books I'm reading right now, otherwise I'm sure I would cry. If I can get some reading cleared away in June, I will be able to breathe. I've kind of stalled on The Faerie Queene only because of lack of time but I hope to re-start it soon.

  4. These are huge books to tackle.... FQ - Histories - Gulag - Don Q ( re-read?) and it sounds like you are hobbling from one to the other. Reading a few plays will give you a a break and the feeling of 'book read with still time to spare! Pace yourself....and take care.

    1. Yes, I don't know how I got into all these huge books ..... Thanks for the advice, Nancy. If life didn't intrude into reading, I'd be in much better shape. ;-)

  5. Lots of great choices! Jane Eyre!!! And A Doll's House (I love that one) & I just read Henry V! It's EXCELLENT. Have fun!

    1. I love your enthusiasm, Jillian! I need it right now. Jane Eyre has begun wonderfully and I'm so glad I'm doing and in-depth read of it. Thanks for the wishes!! :-)

  6. I loved A Doll's House, and also particularly liked Ibsen's An Enemy of the People and Ghosts. Good for you for taking on all of these ambitious reads! As a grad student in history, I feel that I probably should also read The Histories and other classic histories at some point. I will be interested to read what you think whenever you get to it!

    1. I haven't read any Isben, so it's good to know that I have something to look forward to. Ambitious is right! I don't know how I'm going to get through them all! :-Z

  7. What a great list. I look forward to your reviews on them.

    1. Well, the reviews might be long time coming. It would be fun to look back on this post and see just how long it takes me .... or not ..... ;-)

  8. Some great books here but I'd be spreading them over 2 years!

    1. Ah, some sensible advice! Where were you when I planned all this?! ;-)

    2. Ha ha. Next time you should post 'a plan' and then we can all comment and tell you how crazy you are to tackle so many epics...

    3. That's exactly it! I need you all to tell me I'm crazy to keep me on the straight-and-narrow (and keep me sane!) Brilliant! ;-)

  9. Loved The Gulag Archipelago but that was many years ago & I need to read it again. Can't remember if I read the unabridged or not.

    1. I think I have only two of the three volumes of the unabridged, which presents a problem. I think the sensible thing would be to read the abridged, but I don't own it. So I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do yet.

  10. This looks like a great list! I have such respect for anyone that tackles tomes like just know a book with maps (plural) is going to be serious stuff. :)

    1. Hey, good to see you around again! :-) Most of the people who've read Herodotus said that it was fun (or at least most of it) so I'm counting on that. I could use some fun! Take care!

  11. I loved Henry V :)

    As for The Histories - I really want to read them with you but with the best will in the world I can't see me getting to them before autumn. I'm aiming for early autumn.

    I love and dread Spenser too, it's a very close call for me at the minute, Book II isn't easy... :)

    1. Well, if I get to the Histories by autumn, honestly I'll be surprised. I had new life with this post, then time last night to read and write and I spent it playing Temple Run. Ugh! I've done nothing today, so I perhaps am in a sort of a slump. I think I need to get more sleep too. So I foresee that my reading pace will be really SSSLLLOOOOWWW!

  12. You should join Hamlette's read-along with the rest of us!

    Let me know if you finish The Faerie Queene. Right now it feels like a never-ending task but I'm sure I'll finish at some point!
