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Thursday 2 June 2016

The Big 100,000

I've noticed that many people with blogs celebrate their blog anniversaries, such as their first year, or important numbers like 5 years.  Some bloggers mention their 500th post. There is nothing more satisfying than choosing a task and sticking to it.  Other celebrations include finishing a project, or a list such as The Classics Club.  After years of reading, a completed list is certainly something to celebrate.

A Party in the Open Air (1590)
Isaac Oliver
source Wikipedia

Now, while I'll certainly have a BIG party after I complete my Classics Club list, I tend to completely forget my blog anniversary, and each year goes by without a mention of the milestones.  My excuse?  Well, I really don't have one, other than I have lots going on in life, and there's not anything to remind me.  Yet there is one statistic that I see every day when I log into my blog ---- my pageviews ----- and so I'm going to celebrate that milestone today.

So join me in celebrating, because today, on June 2, 2016 I reached the golden number of over:

100,000 pageviews!

Hip! Hip! Hurrah! (1888)
Peder Severin Krøyer
source Wikipedia

Now, honestly, I have no idea if this is an impressive number or not.  I began my blog in October of 2013, so it's 2 years and 8 months old.  When I look at some popular blogs, they are boasting in the millions per year, so I suspect my little number of 100,000 is not so impressive, but it was fun to see it hit that mark today.

Thanks to all the faithful readers, who pop in regularly and those too, who come around now and then.  I really enjoy all the conversations I've had with everyone, and I cherish the blog friends I've made over the years.  You all make blogging a pleasure!


  1. Congratulations Cleo!Millions are only made by 100, 000 put together! Awesome! Simply awesome and that too only in 2 years! Woohoo and here wishing many more of 100,000 put together! Happy Blogging!

    1. I don't know if it's good but it's a fun number to look at, especially with a dollar sign in front of it. ;-) Thanks for the wishes!!

  2. Congrats, that's impressive! My Blog just passed the 400K mark on May 21st but it's been running over 10 years.

    1. Thanks! Wow, it's impressive that you've been running your blog for 10 years! I only hope I can get that far.

    2. I have a wide range of interests I like to share which helps plus I've got a handful of regular readers/contributors that have been with me for most of that time which is really gratifying.

  3. many happy returns! i hope you'll go on getting as much fun writing your blog as i get reading it! many tx...

    1. Aw, thanks for your very kind words, Mudpuddle. I usually get lots of joy out of writing it ..... I'm a little drained from Spenser, but it's always a season and I'm sure I'll be back with a sharp brain at some point.

  4. Congratulations! Well done! :D

    1. Thanks, O and fellow partner in reading crime!

  5. It's only the personal milestones that help to mark the journey for us. I find that these milestones give us a chance to pause and reflect on what we've done and to give ourselves a little pat on the back.

    So well done and congrats!

    1. Thanks, Brona! It was nice to have this milestone marker for sure!

  6. Congrats, Cleo! That's so impressive! :)

    1. That was weird .... blogger wasn't letting me reply to comments for awhile. In any case, thanks, Lit Major! It will be interesting to see what my next accomplishment will be. Hopefully my Classics Club List although I still have loads of books to go!

  7. I pop in practically every day!...secret admirer!

    1. Aw, that's so nice to hear, Nancy. I frequently check your blog too! I just love your eclectic style!

  8. Wow! Quite the accomplishment, indeed. Your blog is the easily one of the best out there and maybe one day I can aspire to be half as good as you are at writing reviews and producing such top-quality posts. Here's to 100,000 more page views! *cheers*

    1. Well, I can always count on you to give me a pick-me-up, can't I? Thanks for you words of kindness and support. I'm very fortunate to have you as a blog friend! :-)

  9. Wow, congratulations!! I only recently discovered your blog but it has quickly become one of my favorites.

    1. That's so nice of you to say, Kat! I'm thrilled to have found your blog too. Those classics just can't be beat!

  10. Congratulations! I'm glad you're blogging!

    1. Thanks, Carol, and thanks for your eclectic selection of books that I get to draw on.

  11. Congratulations! That's certainly quite an achievement :-)

    1. Thanks, Hamlette! It was sure fun seeing all those 0's!
